Cowichan Tribes - Boys Road Subdivision Watermain Upgrades

Project Description:

The proposed infrastructure project is on Cowichan Tribes land and adjacent to municipal roadways. The project

named; Boys Road watermain upgrades was designed by Chatwin Engineering Ltd. involves

development of the existing water delivery to:

Water Upgrades Phase 1: Water system upgrades to provide the required fire flow to the Modular

Housing Complexes. This includes a new connection to the City of Duncan and a new watermain along

Boys Road, from the new connection to the Modular Housing Complexes. Phase 1 will also include

stormwater improvements along Boys Road.

Water Upgrades Phase 2&3: Water system upgrades to provide the maximum calculated required fire flow

per street throughout the remainder of the existing development and install the provisions to deliver the

future residential growth areas a fire flow of 100 L/s and deliver the future community facility a fire flow of

150 L/s.

Total proposed watermain upgrade length is 2629m.  


Latest update

A public participation period and an application period for federal participant funding are underway.



Indigenous Services Canada
Rahul Hampaul, Senior Engineer
600-1138 Melville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4S3
Telephone: 604-363-5628

  • Location

    • Cowichan Tribes (British Columbia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Other, not otherwise specified
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Cowichan Tribes
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.

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