Kahkewistahaw First Nation Green Links and Teaching Garden: Connecting Elders and Youth

The Kahkewistahaw First Nation (KFN) is proposing to create an accessible walking trail that will link the Chief Joseph Crowe Governance Centre, the Elders' Centre, and the Chief Kahkewistahaw Community School.

The project includes:

  • Approximately 1.5km of walking trail
  • A garden and outdoor teaching area for learning about culturally significant native plants and their interrelationship to the ecosystem
  • Addition of native trees, shrubs and ground covers in the garden and along the trail
  • A wood gazebo with an electrical hookup near the Elders' Centre
  • Signs, benches, and lighting along the trail

The project is located entirely on the lands of the KFN.


Latest update

June 24, 2024 - The public comment period on the project is closed. Infrastructure Canada and Indigenous Services Canada are considering comments received to help inform its determination on whether the carrying out of the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


Key documents


Infrastructure Canada
Dani Duplisea, Environmental Review Officer
180 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Telephone: 343-549-4678
Email: danielle.duplisea@infc.gc.ca

Environmental Assessment and Indigenous Consultation
Infrastructure Canada
180 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Email: EAIC-EECA@infc.gc.ca

  • Location

    • Kahkewistahaw First Nation (Saskatchewan)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Recreation and Tourism
    • Remediation and conservation
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Kahkewistahaw First Nation
  • Authorities

    • Infrastructure Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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