Petit-Cap Wharf Reconstruction - Phase 2
This is a non-designated project on federal lands or outside Canada. The listed authorities are responsible for the project assessment.
This project is the second of a two-phased approach to reconstruct wharf structure 403. The structure suffered damages by Hurricane Dorian in 2019 and was further impacted by Hurricane Fiona in 2022. The project will not result in a change in the capacity of the harbour, however it will provide better shelter from dominant winds and severe weather events, as well as reducing congestion in the harbour basin.
Phase 1 of the project is nearing substantial completion and included the reconstruction of the marginal portion of structure 403 with a Berlin Wall structure, dredging in front of the new wharf structure and the removal of a finger portion of the existing wharf structure.
Phase 2 of the project will include a construction of a new marginal structure extending from the end of the reconstructed structure 403 further along existing breakwater 301, as well as dredging of an area adjacent to the new wharf. The new marginal wharf will consist of a new Berlin wall structure with new rock fill topped up by a concrete deck along the water, and gravel or asphalt between the concrete deck and the breakwater. The new marginal wharf structure will have a total length of approximately 69 m. The structure will overlap with the existing breakwater footprint, and the total increase in permanent footprint below the high water levels will be less than 500 m².
Latest update
October 18, 2023 - The Federal Authorities have issued their Notice of Determination after evaluation of the project, Petit-Cap Wharf Reconstruction - Phase 2 and have determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects and can therefore proceed.
This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:
- Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
- Community and Indigenous knowledge;
- Comments received from the public; and
- Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.
Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:
- The project will comply with all applicable municipal, provincial, and federal acts and regulations.
- Limit impacts on fish habitat components to those approved for the works, undertakings and activities.
- Operate machinery in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the marine environment.
- In the event that pelagic fish are observed spawning or migrating in the project area, work must be stopped and the Project Manager or contractor on site shall ensure that fish leave the area before resuming the dredge and disposal activities and the pile driving.
- Monitor and assess weather forecast on a daily basis to determine the risk of extreme weather. Avoid work during periods for which Environment and Climate Change Canada had issued rainfall, storm surge or other weather warning for the work area.
- Whenever possible, operate machinery on land above the high water mark, on ice, or from a floating barge in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the banks and bed of a water body.
- To minimize the possibility of fish habitat contamination and the spread of aquatic invasive species, all construction equipment which will be immersed into the water or has the possibility of coming into contact with such water during the course of the work, must be cleaned and washed to ensure that they are free of marine growth and invasive species prior to mobilization to the site.
- An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be developed and implemented for the work site that will minimize the risk of entry or re-suspension of sediment in a water body during all phases of the work. Erosion and sediment control measures should be maintained until all disturbed ground has been permanently stabilized, suspended sediment has resettled to the bed of the water body or settling basin and runoff water is clear.
- Regular inspection and reporting details for sediment control measures to ensure they are functioning properly.
- Ensure that all in-water activities, or associated in-water structures, do not interfere with fish passage, constrict the channel width, or reduce flows.
- Do not dispose of hazardous wastes (e.g., paints, batteries, cleaners, acids, etc.) including volatile materials (e.g., solvents, mineral spirits, aerosol cans, etc.) and petroleum products on the ground, near or into watercourses, storm or sanitary sewers or in waste landfill sites. Dispose of hazardous wastes in accordance with applicable federal and provincial, regulations, codes, standards and guidelines.
- All equipment to be used in or over the marine environment is to be free from leaks or coating of hydrocarbon-based fluids and/or lubricants harmful to the environment.
- Wash, refuel and service machinery and store fuel and other materials for the machinery in such a way as to prevent any deleterious substances from entering the water.
- Secure contents against free board spillage when excavating, loading and hauling material, including dredged material. Do not overload trucks when hauling material and avoid potential release of contents, and of any foreign matter onto highways, roads and access routes used for the work. Immediately clean any ground spills and soils to extent as directed by authority having jurisdiction.
- Be diligent and take all necessary precautions to avoid spills and contamination of the soil and water (both surface and subsurface) when handling petroleum products on the site and during fuelling and servicing of vehicles and equipment.
- Store and handle hazardous materials in accordance with applicable federal and provincial regulations, codes, standards and guidelines. Store in location that will prevent spillage into the environment.
- An Emergency Response Plan will be developed and implemented immediately in the event of a sediment or spill release of a deleterious substance.
- Maintain on site appropriate emergency spill response equipment consisting of at least one 250-litre overpack spill kit for containment and clean-up of spills.
- In the event of a petroleum spill and release into the environment, stop work and immediately notify the Departmental Representative and the Canadian Coast Guard 24-Hour Environment Emergencies Report System (1-800-565-1633). Contain spill and perform clean-up in accordance with all regulations and procedures stipulated by authority having jurisdiction.
- If an oiled seabird is encountered, it will be handled according to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) – Canada Wildlife Service (CWS)'s guidelines.
- Minimize disturbance to all birds on site and adjacent areas during the entire course of the work.
- Do not approach concentrations of seabirds, waterfowl and shorebirds when anchoring equipment, accessing wharves or ferrying supplies.
- Do not use beaches, dunes, coastal wetlands and other natural previously undisturbed areas of the site to conduct work unless specifically approved by the Departmental Representative.
- During nighttime work, position flood lights in opposite direction of nearby bird nesting habitat.
- Dispose and recycle construction and demolition-related debris and waste materials in accordance with provincial waste management regulations.
- During rock socketing of the H-piles, a safety zone for cetaceans and marine species listed under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (e.g., North Atlantic right whale, white sharks or leatherback turtles) must be established at the work site. The safety zone shall consist of a circle with a radius of at least 500 m as measured from the center of the work site. If a cetacean or marine species listed under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act is observed within the safety zone, rock socketing must cease until the animal leaves the safety zone and is not observed within the safety zone for a minimum period of 30 minutes. Work may start or restart if cetaceans or marine species listed under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act are not observed within the safety zone within the 30 minute period.
- Dust suppression by the application of water must be employed, when required. Apply dust control measures to roads, parking lots and work areas. The Departmental Representative shall determine locations where water is to be applied, the amount of water to be applied, and the times at which it shall be applied. Waste oil or any other petroleum products must not to be used for dust control under any circumstances.
- Contractor to coordinate with the local Harbour Authority prior to commencement of the work such that the schedule with the least possible conflicts will be implemented.
- Storage of construction material will be done so to minimize visual impacts (i.e., minimize storage time, limit pile height, etc.) on neighboring properties.
- At least 48 hours before beginning the construction, placement, alteration, rebuilding, removal or decommissioning of a minor work in, on, over, under, through or across a charted navigable water, the owner of the minor work must, in writing, notify a Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre of the day on which the activity is expected to begin.
- During the construction, placement, alteration, rebuilding, removal, decommissioning, repair or maintenance of a minor work, the owner of the minor work must ensure:
- that vessels can navigate safely through or around the work site or, if navigation is interrupted by any activity related to the construction, placement, alteration, rebuilding, removal, decommissioning, repair or maintenance of the minor work, that a suitable means, such as a portage, exists to allow vessels to resume navigation upstream and downstream of the work site;
- that the perimeter of the work site is visible from sunset to sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility by the placement of:
- yellow flashing lights,
- cautionary buoys with retro-reflective material, or
- cautionary buoys with yellow flashing lights
- All construction personnel will be responsible for reporting any unusual materials unearthing during construction activities to Construction Supervisor. If the find is believed to be an archaeological resource, the Construction Supervisor will immediately stop work in the vicinity of the find and notify the Departmental Representative.
- Work in the area will be stopped immediately and the New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage – Provincial Archaeological Services will be contacted at 506-453-3115.
- Work can only resume in the vicinity of the find when authorized by the Departmental Representative, after approval has been granted by the New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage.
Key documents
Document Number | Document Title | File | Date |
3 | Notice of Determination | - | October 18, 2023 |
2 | End of Public Comment Period | - | August 19, 2023 |
1 | Notice of Intent | - | July 19, 2023 |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Small Craft Harbour, Maritime and Gulf RegionChyann Kirby, Regional Environmental Advisor
Gulf Fisheries Center, 343 University Ave.
Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 9B6
Telephone: 506-866-5164
- Petit-Cap Harbour is located at 55 Chemin du Quai Road, off of Route 950 in the community of Petit-Cap, Westmorland County, New Brunswick. (New Brunswick)
Nature of Activity
- Ports and Harbours
Assessment Status
Completed -
Start Date
2023-07-19 -
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbours (DFO-SCH) -
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Public Services and Procurement Canada
Assessment Type
Project on federal lands -
Reference Number
This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.
Nearby assessments
...within 200 kilometres-
Petit-Cap Wharf Re-construction
Petit-Cap Harbour is located at 55 Chemin du Quai Road, off of Route 950 in the community of Petit-Cap, Westmorland County, New Brunswick. -
Cap-Pelé DFO-SCH Containment Cell Construction
The Cap-Pelé DFO-SCH is located on the Northumberland Strait in the town of Cap-Acadie, Westmorland County, New Brunswick. -
Berlin Wall Installation at the Les Aboiteaux SCH, New Brunswick
Dupuis Corner -
Rock protection for erosion control at Les Aboiteaux Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour, Kent, New Brunswick
Les Aboiteaux Small Craft Harbour, Kent County -
Boardwalk Construction, Les Aboiteaux Harbour, New Brunswick
Cap-Pelé -
Shoreline Protection at the Robichaud Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour, Westmorland County, New Brunswick
Robichaud Small Craft Harbour, Westmorland County -
Botsford Harbour Boat Ramp Replacement
Botsford -
Botsford DFO-SCH Shoreline Protection Upgrade
The Botsford (Murray Corner) DFO-Small Craft Harbour is located in Murray Corner, Westmorland County, New Brunswick. -
Construction of an industrial building on Metepenagiag Urban Reserve No. 3, City of Moncton
Metepenagiag Urban Reserve No. 3, City of Moncton -
Abram's Village Wharf Removal and Armour Stone Replacement
8311 Route 11 in Abram's Village, Queens County -
Abrams Village SCH Wharf Reconstruction
Abrams Village DFO-SCH, Prince County, Prince Edward Island -
Tintamarre National Wildlife Area, New Brunswick - Routine Maintenance Upgrades of constructed wetland infrastructure
Tintamarre National Wildlife Area -
Wharf reconstruction at Cape Tormentine
Cape Tormentine -
Cape Tormentine DFO-SCH Wharf Structure 402 Reconstruction
The Cape Tormentine DFO-SCH is located on the Northumberland Strait in Cape Tormentine, Westmorland County, New Brunswick. -
Parking Lot Expansion and Resurfacing
Richibucto -
British Trench Trails
Fort Beauséjour-Fort Cumberland National Historic Site -
Paving & Walkway & Curb Work
29, chemin Schurman's Point, Summerside -
Higgins Shore Wharf Replacement
Higgins Shore Small Craft Harbour is located at 241 Higgins Shore Road in Victoria West, Prince County, PEI on the shores of the Northumberland Strait. -
Runway End Safety Areas at the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport
Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport -
Federal Express Canada Parking Lot Expansion
Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport -
Dorchester Penitentiary - Indoor Firing Range Construction
Dorchester Penitentiary -
MFC Training Fuel Farm Replacement at the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport
1719 Chamlain Street, Dieppe, NB -
Eliminating Bottlenecks and Enabling Growth at Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport
Greater Moncton Roméo Leblanc International Airport -
MACC Warehouse facility at the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport
Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport -
Reconstruction of wharf structure 404 and addition of armour stones at the Barre-de-Cocagne Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour, Kent County, New Brunswick
Barre-de-Cocagne DFO-SCH, Kent County -
Moncton 1 Site Development
Moncton -
John Lusby Marsh National Wildlife Area, Nova Scotia - Proposed restoration of freshwater wetland segment Amherst Point 1-1
John Lusby Marsh National Wildlife Area -
Chignecto National Wildlife Area, Nova Scotia - Routine Maintenance of High Voltage Transmission Lines L5548 and L6551
Chignecto National Wildlife Area -
Chignecto National Wildlife Area, Nova Scotia - Routine Maintenance Upgrades of constructed wetland infrastructure (Segments 2-3 and 3-1)
Chignecto National Wildlife Area -
West Point Dredge Zone Expansion and New Ocean Disposal Site
West Point Harbour is accessible off the Harbour Road, a secondary road off Route 14 in the community of West Point, Prince County -
Atlantic Science Enterprise Centre (ASEC), Moncton, New Brunswick.
The existing Gulf Fisheries Center and lands are located at 343 Université Avenue in the City of Moncton, New Brunswick -
Fuel Storage Tank Piping Modifications - Moncton Government of Canada Building
Dominion Public Building 1081 Main Street Moncton New Brunswick E1C 1H1 -
Lennox Island Wharf Construction
Lennox Island First Nation, Malpeque Bay -
Exterior Upgrades - Moncton District Office
Moncton, New Brunswick -
Fisheries Maintenance and Repair Facility at Lennox Island
Lennox Island -
Replacement of diesel fuel system at Malpeque Cove Harbour, PE
Malpeque -
Darnley Bridge Small Craft Harbour Basin Dredging
Darnley Small Craft Harbour -
Malpeque Small Craft Harbour Dredge and Disposal Zone Amendments
Project is located in the entrance channel to the Malpeque Cove Small Craft Harbour, which is located on the Malpeque Wharf Road. -
Floating Docks Installation and Dredging at Pugwash, Small Craft Harbour, Cumberland, N.S.
Pugwash, Cumberland County, on the Northumberland Strait and is accessible from Highway 6, via Brickyard Road. -
Pugwash Yacht Club Dredging and Waterlot Extension
Pugwash -
Containment cell reconstruction and harbour dredging at Saint-Edouard-de-Kent Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour, Kent County, New Brunswick
Saint-Edouard-de-Kent DFO-SCH, Kent County, New Brunswick -
Rock Installation at Saint-Edouard-de-Kent Harbour
Saint-Edouard-de-Kent -
Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area, Nova Scotia - Routine Maintenance Upgrades of constructed wetland infrastructure (Segments 1 and 2-3)
Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area -
New Floating Dock at French River Small Craft Harbour, Queens County, Prince Edward Island
French River Small Craft Harbour, located Park Corner, Queens County, Prince Edward Island. -
French River South Landing SCH Wharf Reconstruction
French River South Landing SCH is located at the junction of Paynter and Cannery road, in French River, Queens County, Prince Edward Island. -
Howards Cove SCH Breakwater Reconstruction
Howards Cove SCH is located at the end of Wharf rd in Howards Cove, Kings county, Prince Edward Island. -
Howards Cove Wharf Upgrades
50 Wharf Road, off Route 14 in Cape Wolfe, Prince County -
Trans-Canada Highway Realignment Through New Haven-Bonshaw, Queen's County, PEI
Bonshaw -
Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area, Nova Scotia - Proposed restoration of freshwater wetland segment Wallace Bay 3.
Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area -
Springhill Institution - Fuel Tank Replacement
Springhill Institution -
Acadian Forest Restoration
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Alberton (Northport) Wharf Reconstruction (Structure 412)
Alberton (Northport) SCH -
Cavendish Campground Staff Room Construction
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Cavendish Campground Post-Fiona Recovery and Reinstatement
Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada -
Rock Protection Installation at Cap- Lumière Small Craft Harbour, Kent County, New Brunswick
Cap-Lumière, Kent County, New Brunswick -
Cap-Lumière DFO-SCH Containment Cell Construction
The Cap-Lumière DFO-SCH is located on the Northumberland Strait in the parish of Richibucto, Kent County, New Brunswick. -
Cavendish Grove Stream & Watershed Restoration
Detailed Impact Assessment, Prince Edward Island National Park -
Green Gables Golf Course - Replacement of Underpass Retaining Walls
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Lift Station Modification on Route 6 by the Resort Municipality of Stanley Bridge, Hope River, Bayview, Cavendish and North Rustico
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Soil Remediation and Slope Stabilization
North Wallace, Cumberland County, NS. -
North Rustico Wharf Replacement, Floating Dock Replacement and Shoreline Protection Repairs
52 Harbourview Drive in North Rustico, Queens County, PEI -
New Southeast District Detachment
Salsbury -
Cavendish Campground New Loop Construction
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Support to provide three-phase power at Nine Mile Creek Harbour
Community of Nine Mile Creek, Queens County -
Shepody National Wildlife Area, New Brunswick - Routine Maintenance Upgrades of constructed wetland infrastructure (Segment 12)
Shepody National Wildlife Area -
Road Upgrade Project - Mi'kmaq Lane - Indian Island First Nation
Indian Island First Nation -
Entrance Breakwater and Shore Protection Reconstruction at the North Rustico Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island
North Rustico -
L'no Minigog Shoreline Revetment
Indian Island First Nation -
North Rustico DFO-SCH Wharf Reconstruction
North Rustico SCH -
Nine Mile Creek Wharf 403/404 Re-construction
The harbour is located in the community of Nine Mile Creek, Queens County, PEI, on the southwestern edge of the Hillsborough Bay. The harbour is accessed from the Wharf Road, off of Route 19. -
Queens District Detachment - New Construction
Cornwall -
Miminegash DFO-SCH South Breakwater Reconstruction
Miminegash SCH, Queens county -
Elsipogtog First Nation Wastewater Treatment Upgrades
Elsipogtog First Nation -
Elsipogtog First Nation - Housing Recovery Phase 2
Elsipogtog First Nation -
Elsipogtog New Subdivision
Elsipogtog First Nation -
Elsipogtog First Nation - Water Tower Demolition
Elsipogtog First Nation -
Elsipogtog First Nation Water Treatment Plant Manganese Upgrade
Elsipogtog First Nation -
Charlottetown Road Repair and Culvert Replacement Project
Charlottetown -
Kreative Acres Corp. Building Expansion
Charlottetown -
2022 BioVectra Biopharmaceutical Expansion
Charlottetown -
Daniel J. MacDonald Building Modernization Project
Daniel J. MacDonald Building at 161 Grafton Street in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island -
Charlottetown Airport Terminal Expansion - Phase 1
Charlottetown -
Air Canada New Type I and Type IV Glycol Storage System
Charlottetown Airport -
Covehead DFO-SCH Wharf Upgrades
Covehead Small Craft Harbour (SCH) is located in Covehead, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, adjacent to the PEI National Park (Brackley-Dalvay region). -
Wharf Upgrades and Launching Ramp Reconstruction at the Covehead Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island
Covehead -
Ross Lane - Stanhope campground road extension, Prince Edward Island National Park
Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada -
Phoco Tours Business Licence Application
Kouchibouguac National Park -
Stanhope Campground - Creation of pedestrian pathway
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Skinners Pond Small Craft Harbour Wharf Reconstruction
513 Stompin Tom Road, Skinners Pond, Prince County -
Skinners Pond Small Craft Harbour Containment Cell Expansion
Skinners Pond Harbour is located at 513 Stompin Tom Road in Skinners Pond, Prince County -
Skinner's Pond Copewall Installation
Skinners Pond SCH is located at 513 Stompin Tom Road in Skinners Pond, Prince County, on the western shores of PEI. -
Gulf Shore Parkway East Road Renovations and Bank Stabilization
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Watts Road Boundary Corridor Access - Prince Edward Island National Park
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Green Gables Golf Course Netting Installation
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Powerline Biofuel Removal - Reducing Wildfire Risks for Kouchibouguac National Park and Neighbouring Communities
Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada -
South Kouchibouguac Campground Entrance Kiosk Redesign and Road Realignment
Kouchibouguac National Park -
Loggiecroft DFO-SCH Shore Protection and Floating Dock Realignment
The project is taking place at Loggiecroft Small Craft Harbour (Kouchibouguac Park), Kent County, New Brunswick. -
Paving of Loggiecroft Wharf, Loggiecroft Harbour Authority
Kouchibouguac National Park -
New Dredge and Disposal Sites at Tracadie Small Craft Harbor
Project is located in the entrance channel to Tracadie Bay. The Tracadie Small Craft Harbour is located at 467 Harbour Road in Grand Tracadie. -
Sewage Disposal System Replacement, Loggiecroft Wharf
Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada -
Trail Reroute and Ecological Trail Restoration
Fundy National Park -
Vegetation Management - Bennett Lake Dam & Wolfe Lake Water Retaining Structure
Fundy National Park -
MacLaren Pond Trail Enhancement
Fundy National Park -
Proposed Dredge Material Management Site, Melville, Pictou County, NS
The proposed Melville site is located on a parcel of federal land on New Road (off of Hwy 6), approximately 1 km from Skinners Cove SCH, Nova Scotia (PID #00815837) -
Hydrometric Station Rehabilitation, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Fundy National Park -
Abegweit Connects
Route 2 curb -
Breakwater Reconstruction at Skinners Cove Small Craft Harbour, Pictou County, NS
Skinners Cove SCH is located in Melville, Pictou County, Nova Scotia, and can be accessed by branching from Hwy 6 and following New Road until egressing onto the wharf approach road. -
Service Area Improvements and Floating Wharves Replacement, Skinners Cove Small Craft Harbour, Pictou County, NS
Skinners Cove DFO-SCH (Harbour Code #1295) is located in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, and can be accessed from New Road, which egresses off of Skinners Cove West Road. -
Abegweit Connects Project (ICIP 59334)
Abegweit First Nation -
Abegweit's Community Recreation Centre
Scotchfort no 4 Reserve -
Abegweit First Nation - Scotchfort Subdivision Development
Abegweit First Nation -
Abegweit Watermain Upgrades
Scotchfort -
The Epekwitk Mena'taqug Centre
The Epekwitk Mena'taqug Centre -
Abegweit Cemetery Project/Healing Garden
Scotchford IR 4 -
Wharf Repairs and Shoreline Protection, Pointe Sapin Harbour, N.B.
Pointe Sapin small craft harbour is located in Kent County, along the Northumberland Strait, on the eastern coast of New Brunswick directly adjacent to Highway 117. -
Turning Block Replacement, Pointe-Sapin, NB
Pointe-Sapin Small Craft Harbour -
Sand Trap Dredging, Pointe -Sapin Small Craft Harbour, New Brunswick
Pointe-Sapin Small Craft Harbour -
Establishment of Semi-permanent Monitoring Camp
Fundy National Park of Canada -
Savage Harbour Wharf Reconstruction
3388 Savage Harbour Road (Route 218), Savage Harbour, Kings County -
Shoreline Protection Repairs, Advocate Harbour Small Craft Harbour, Cumberland County, NS
Advocate Harbour DFO-SCH (Harbour Code 1002) is located on Advocate Harbour which opens into Advocate Bay and the Minas Basin in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. -
Proposed Dredge Material Management Site, Toney River, Pictou County, NS
The Toney River property is located along the Sunrise Trail (Hwy 6) in Toney River, Pictou County, NS (PID #65210932). -
Escuminac Wharf Upgrades
Escuminac SCH is located off of Escuminac Point rd., in Northumberland County, New Brunswick. -
Future Ferries and Modifications to the Existing Channel at Wood Islands, PE
Wood Islands Ferry Terminal -
Chanel Dredging at Escuminac Small Craft Harbour
Escuminac -
Abegweit Watermain Upgrades
Morell -
Wharf Removal and Breakwater Reconstruction at the Red Head Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island
Red Head -
Red Head SCH Breakwater Reconstruction
Red Head SCH is located in Red Head, Kings County, Prince Edward Island. -
Construction of a Modular Lobster Holding Facility, Red Head, Prince Edward Island
Red Head Small Craft Harbour -
Energy Performance Contract: Specific Measure TA1 and TA2 - S1 Conversion to Hydronic Heating - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Re-surface Parking Lot - Sussex Detachment
Sussex, New Brunswick -
Fox Island South Range Replacement
Fox Island, North of Hardwick, NB -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Millbrook 15 Tower Road -
New well installation, Greenwich Beach Complex in Prince Edward Island National Park
Prince Edward Island National Park -
Construction of Atlantic First Nation Water Authority HQ - Millbrook First Nation
Millbrook First Nation -
West Breakwater Wharf Repairs at the Halls Harbour Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour, Kings County, Nova Scotia
Halls Harbour DFO-SCH, West Halls Harbour Road, Kings County, Nova Scotia -
Church Repointing and Monument Rehabilitation
Grand-Pré National Historic Site -
Lower Montague DFO-SCH Slip Replacement
Lower Montague SCH is located off the Lower Montague Road in Three Rivers, Kings County, Prince Edward Island. -
Replace Various Fuel Storage Tanks, Aldershot, 14 Wing Greenwood, and Yarmouth Armoury, Nova Scotia
Aldershot -
Outdoor Chapel Construction - Camp Aldershot
Kentville, Camp Aldershot -
Glooscap Landing Micro-Grid
Glooscap First Nation -
Glooscap First Nation Entertainment Centre
Hantsport -
Glooscap Farmers Market
Glooscap First Nation -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Glooscap Market -
Temporary Floating Docks at Georgetown SCH, Kings County, PEI.
Georgetown Harbour is located at the base of Kent Street in the Town of Georgetown, Kings County, PEI. -
Georgetown Small Craft Harbour Wharf Re-construction and Service Area Creation
Georgetown Harbour is located at the base of Kent Street in the Town of Georgetown, Kings County. -
Mink River SCH Wharf Reconstruction
Mink River SCH is located in Prince County, Prince Edward Island. -
Northern Pulp Project
Abercrombie Point -
Northern Pulp Effluent Treatment Facility Project
Abercrombie Point -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation Old School -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation 112 Maple Street -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation 40 Birch Street -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation 8 Abbey Lane -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation 156 Shore Road -
Beach Point Processing Company Shoreline Stabilization Repairs
Murray Harbour -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation Fisheries Building -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Annapolis Valley First Nation Heath Centre -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Pictou Landing First Nation Fire Hall -
Coldbrook Biodiversity Facility Water Control Structure Modifications, Coldbrook, Kings County, Nova Scotia
The site is located on Grist Mill Pond on Spittal Brook, a tributary of the Cornwallis River, Annapolis Valley, Kings County, Nova Scotia. -
Annapolis Valley First Nation Infrastructure Development
Annapolis Valley First Nation -
Pictou Landing New Subdivision Development
Pictou Landing First Nation -
Boat Harbour Remediation Project
Five kilometres east of Pictou -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Annapolis Valley First Nation Band Office -
Murray Harbour Front Range (Beach Point) Armour Stone Replacement
Murray Harbour -
Sipekne'katik Subdivision Development
Sipekne'katik First Nation -
Harbour Repairs and Dredging, Burnt Church, NB
Harbour Repairs and Dredging -
Graham Pond Basin Dredge
Graham Pond Harbour is located at the end of Maclure Pond Road in the community of Gaspereaux, Kings County -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Websters Farm -
Sipekne'katik Browns Flat Bridge Construction
Sipekne'katik First Nation -
Oak Point Range Easement Remediation
Oak Point, NB -
View Plain Clearing - Fort Edward National Historic Site
Fort Edward National Historic Site -
Highway 101 Twinning Phase II Aboiteau and Bridges Project
Three Mile Plains to Falmouth, Hants County -
Sipekne'katik Diversion Centre
Sipekne'katik First Nation -
Esgenoopetitj First Nation Lift Station Upgrades
Esgenoopetitj First Nation -
Pictou County Detachment (PCD)
Stellarton -
Connect Emergency Backup Generator at Government of Canada Building, New Glasgow, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
New Glasgow Government of Canada Building -
McAuleys Shore Wharf 401 and 404 Reconstruction
522 McAuley's Shore Road in Mount Buchanan, Queens County, at the mouth of the Pinette River estuary. -
Naufrage SCH Slip Replacement Project
Naufrage SCH is located in Naufrage, Kings County, Prince Edward Island. -
Residential Housing Units and Ancillary Structures Demolition - Newport Corner
Newport Corner -
Bay Fortune Wharf & Launching Ramp Reconstruction (Structures 410 and 503)
Bay Fortune SCH -
Shoreline Protection at Bay Fortune Small Craft Harbour, PEI
Bay Fortune Small Craft Harbour -
Scour Mattress Installation, St. Martins Small Craft Harbour, St. Martins, Saint John County, New Brunswick
St. Martins, Saint John County, New Bruncwick -
St. Martins Breakwater Upgrades
St. Martins -
Breakwater Reconstruction, St. Martins, St. John County, New Brunswick
St. Martins SCH is located in St. Martins, St. John County, New Brunswick, and can be accessed by Main St on to Big Salmon River Rd.(PID 03448883). -
Sipekne'katik First Nation, RHI Housing project
Sipekne'katik First Nation -
Construction of 25-Metre Range at Canadian Forces Base 14 Wing Greenwood, Greenwood, Nova Scotia
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) 14 Wing Greenwood -
Storage Extension to Hangar 13 - Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Greenwood
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Greenwood -
Removal of Tank #3 - 14 Wing Greenwood Central Heating Plant
14 Wing Greenwood -
Demolition of Four Buildings located within the Explosive Storage Area (X-Area), 14 Wing Greenwood, Greenwood, Nova Scotia
14 Wing Greenwood -
Replace Aqueous Film Forming Foam Lagoon - Canadian Forces Base Greenwood
Canadian Forces Base Greenwood -
Construction of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Infrastructure Facility - 14 Wing Greenwood
14 Wing Greenwood -
Demolition of the Air Traffic Control Tower, Canadian Forces Base Greenwood, Greenwood, Nova Scotia
Canadian Forces Base 14 Wing Greenwood -
Department of National Defence Powerline Replacement, Canadian Forces Base 14 Wing Greenwood, Greenwood, Nova Scotia
Greenwood Golf Club at Canadian Forces Base 14 Wing Greenwood -
Replace Various Fuel Storage Tanks, Aldershot, 14 Wing Greenwood, and Yarmouth Armoury, Nova Scotia
14 Wing Greenwood -
Department of National Defence Building Construction and Recapitalization, Canadian Forces Base 14 Wing Greenwood, Greenwood, Nova Scotia
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) 14 Wing Greenwood -
Replace High Voltage Cables - Canadian Forces Base Greenwood
Canadian Forces Base Greenwood, Mission Support Area -
Souris Ferry Terminal Fixed Stern Ramp, Souris, PE
Souris Ferry Terminal -
Souris Dredging and Ferry Terminal Modifications
Souris Ferry Terminal -
Canso Canal - Northwest Roundhead Wall and Northeast Canal/Entrance Wall Repairs
The Canso Canal (DFO-RPSS) is located in Port Hastings at the eastern extremity of the Canso Causeway. The Canso Canal connects Chedabucto Bay to the Northumberland Strait and is accessed from Highway 104. -
Vaughan Creek Covered Bridge Replacement
St. Martins -
Containment Cell Construction and Dredging, Val Comeau, NB
Val Comeau Small Craft Harbour -
Metepenagiag Mountain Side Road Extension and New Residential Development
Metepenagiag First Nation -
Halifax Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range (VOR) Replacement
Halifax -
Halifax Stanfield Airfield Improvements
Goffs -
Halifax Stanfield Runway 14-32 Terrain Removal
Enfield -
Construction of a New Cell Phone Lot
Goffs -
Gateway Facilities ULC Apron Expansion and Hangar Construction
Halifax Stanfield International Airport -
Construction of Private Aircraft Hangar
Goffs -
Breakwater Reconstruction at Baileys Brook Small Craft Harbour, Pictou County, NS
Baileys Brook SCH is located in the community of Lismore, Pictou County, Nova Scotia, on the Northumberland Strait. It is accessible from Factory Road via Highway #245. -
Proposed Dredge Material Management Site, Lismore, Pictou County, NS
The Lismore property is located on Shore Road (Hwy 245) in Lismore, Nova Scotia (PID #01040492). -
Re-Surface Parking Lot at Detachment
Tracadie-Sheila -
North Lake Dredge Zone Expansion
North Lake Harbour is accessible off the Wharf Road, a secondary road off Route 16 in the community of North Lake, Kings County -
Saint John Airport Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades
Saint John Airport Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades -
Irving Air Service Inc. Fuel System Upgrade
Saint John Airport -
Touquoy Gold Mine Expansion Project
Moose River -
Bedford Rifle Range Upgrades - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Bedford Rifle Range -
New Fibre Installation
Portobello Creek National Wildlife Area Project site 1 -
Arlington Asbestos Waste Disposal Facility Expansion Project
Arlington West, Annapolis County -
Design and Replace Watercourse Crossing at Brown Brook at Browntown Road 5CDSB Gagetown
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown -
Beaver Dam Mine Project
Marinette -
Levesque Wharf Rebuild - Public Comments Invited
Bedford -
Building Demolitions at Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot and Windsor Park- Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Deconstruction of 12 Buildings, Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Bedford, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Bedford, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax -
Replacement of Geotextile Blast Walls - Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD)
Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) -
Wharf Reconstruction at the Hampton Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia
Hampton DFO-SCH, Hampton Wharf Road, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia -
Breakwater Reconstruction at Hampton Small Craft Harbour, Annapolis County, NS
Hampton SCH is located in the community of Hampton, Annapolis County, at the end of Hampton Wharf Road which egresses off of Shore Road East. -
Construction of a Solar Photovoltaic System for the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Building at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, adjacent to the Town of Oromocto -
Portobello Creek National Wildlife Area, New Brunswick - Coldspring Lead Wetland Naturalization Project
Portobello Creek National Wildlife Area -
Shirley Road Upgrades and Realignment Project at Swan Creek
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Wharf and Rock Sea Wall Installation, Wright's Cove, Bedford Basin, NS
Dartmouth -
Rue du Havre Street Rehabilitation
Rue du Havre, Le Goulet -
Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project
95 kilometres northeast of Halifax -
Removal of access road and sea wall, and restoration of dune and tidal wetland habitats at Shippagan Gully, Gloucester County, New Brunswick
Shippagan Gully, Gloucester County -
Wright's Cove East-West Magnetic Range Refurbishment
DND East-West Magnetic Signature Range at Wright's Cove, Bedford Basin, Halifax -
Addition of Armourstone Protection at Disposal Site DS2, Shippagan, Gloucester County, New Brunswick
Shippagan, Gloucester County, New Brunswick -
Facility for Intelligent Marine Systems (FIMS) and Fish Lab Renovations (FLR) at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Halifax Regional Municipality, NS
1 Challenger Drive at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), a Government of Canada owned asset located adjacent to the Halifax Harbour in Dartmouth, Halifax Regional Municipality -
Bedford Institute of Oceanography District Heating Line Replacement
Bedford Institute of Oceanography -
Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) Jetty Wharf Replacement
Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) is located on the shores of the Bedford Basin in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. BIO and the jetty wharf are accessible from the northeast via Baffin Blvd. -
Repair Lawfield Road Crossing at Kerr Brook - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Truck Gate and Container Examination Facility
HPA lands at Fairview Cove Halifax Nova Scotia -
Truck Gate and Container Examination Facility
HPA lands at Fairview Cove Halifax Nova Scotia -
Halifax Shipyard Land Level Expansion
Halifax -
Albro Lakes and Wyse Road Separation, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia (NS)
Wyse Road, Dartmouth -
New Decentralized Gas Heating - Naval Armament Depot, Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax, Naval Armament Depot -
New Building for Water, Fuel, and Environment Section - Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax -
Heating Conversion, Canadian Forces Housing Agency, Halifax Regional Housing Site - Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax -
Energy Performance Contract: Measure G14 - Ocean Based Heat Pump for Building D201- Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Demolition of Degaussing Range Wharf - Canadian Forces Base, Halifax
Canadian Forces Base, Halifax -
Health Services Centre Recapitalization, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax
Windsor Park, CFB Halifax, Halifax -
Residential Garage Replacement
Building D81, Provo Wallis Street, Her Majesty's Canadian Dockyard, Halifax -
Construct Combatant Training and Integration Centre - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Stadacona, Halifax -
Roof Replacements, Various Buildings - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Shippagan DFO-SCH New Fuel Storage and Dispensory System Installation
The project is taking place at Shippagan Small Craft Harbour in the town of Shippagan, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. -
Shippagan Containment Cell and Basin Dredging
Shippagan Small Craft Harbour in the town of Shippagan, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. -
Parking Lot and Roadway Reconstruction at Mail Processing Plant (MPP) Halifax, NS
6175 Almon Street, Halifax -
Decommission Oily Waste Water Lines- Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax
HMC Dockyard, Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Recapitalization of Submarine Shed (D294) Roof, His Majesty's Canadian Halifax Dockyard, Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Roof Replacement and Upgrades to Building D200
2365 Provo Wallis Street, Her Majesty's Canadian Dockyard, Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Various Repairs and Modifications to Building D247
2364 Provo Wallis Street, Her Majesty's Canadian Dockyard, Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Dredging at Former Jetty NE - Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax -
Installation of a Temporary Boiler and Fuel Storage Tank - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Cogswell District Redevelopment Program, Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Activities on Department of National Defence (DND) Property
CFB Halifax -
Jetty NB Maintenance and Pile Cap Repairs- His Majesty's Canadian Halifax Dockyard, Canadian Forces Base Halifax
His Majesty's Canadian Halifax Dockyard -
Reinstate Lighting Protection System Ground Loop - Her Majesty's Canadian Dockyard
Her Majesty's Canadian Dockyard -
Improve Building Envelope at D193 - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Building Rehabilitation - North Park Armoury, Canadian Forces Base Halifax
North Park Armoury, Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Parking Lot Repaving at Mail Processing Plant (MPP) Saint John, NB
125 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John -
East Saint John Terminal Slope Stabilization Project
Saint John -
Garrison Grounds Parking Lot Expansion at the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada -
Boat School at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
1675 Lower Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia -
Maersk Wharves and Boardwalk Project, Halifax, NS
The portion of Halifax Harbour located near the waterfront at 5051 Salter Street in Halifax, NS. -
Residential Garage Replacement
Building RA9, Royal Artillery Court, Royal Artillery Park, Halifax -
Upgrade Cambridge Military Library at Royal Artillery Park - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
Floating Docks at Cunard Public Space
1325 Lower Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia -
Cunard Bypass Trestle Bridge
1325 Lower Water Street, Halifax -
Energy East Project
Saint John -
Cunard Public Space, Halifax, NS
1325 Lower Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia -
Lower Tank Farm Containment Berm Maintenance and Upgrade - Halifax Harbour Terminal
Dartmouth -
Installation of a Portable Fuel Tank at Lauvina Wood Compound near Building LW7
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown Green Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
George's Island National Historic Site Visitor Development
Georges Island National Historic Site -
Marine Gas Oil System Modification
Halifax Harbour Terminal -
Tank Modifications - Halifax Harbour Terminal
Dartmouth -
Port Saint John - West Side Terminal Modernization
Port Saint John -
Upgrades to Underground Piping at Waste Water Treatment Plant - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown, Oromocto NB
5CDSB Gagetown which is located within the Town of Oromocto -
Potential Regional Assessment of Infilling in Halifax Harbour
Halifax Harbour -
175 Millbrook Avenue Apartment
Millbrook First Nation -
Green Power Purchase Agreement: Phase 2 - 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
P&H Milling Group New Warehouse Expansion
730 Marginal Road, Halifax -
Container Village
Saint John -
Imperial Oil Dartmouth Terminal Dock 3 Repairs & Mooring System Replacement
Imperial Oil Dartmouth Terminal, 600 Pleasant Street Dartmouth, B2Y 3Z7 -
South End Container Terminal Rail Yard and Maintenance Shop
HPA lands at South End Container Terminal Halifax, Nova Scotia -
South End Container Terminal Crane Tie Downs
Halifax -
South End Container Terminal Building Removal and Stacking Yard Area Increase Project
Halifax -
Vegetation Management in the Static Range Impact Area - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Range and Training Area Maintenance (RTA)- 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Replace six corrugated steel culverts - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) -
Rathburn Crossing Replacement- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Eniskillen Road Upgrades Project - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base -
Demolition and Disposal of Building K8 and K41- 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Demolition and Disposal of Building B12- 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Tok Chong Crossing Replacement - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Location 5: Development of Borrow Pit- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Location 3: Development of Borrow Pit and Access Roads- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Location 1: Development of Borrow Pit and Access Roads- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Demolition and Disposal of Building A4- 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Demolition and Disposal of Building F1- 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Installation of Multiple Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Aggregate Stockpile - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Construct Land Vehicle Crew Training System - 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Construct Transition Centre - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Electrical Service Line (Building H24) - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Replacement of Concrete Crossing Structure N845 on the Otnabog River - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
Otnabog River -
Upgrade Petersville Reservoir - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Bridge and Gap Crossing Modernization; Bridge Curing Addition to Building K4- 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Range Training Area Maintenance - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Station K10 - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Upgrade Parking Lot K17, K18 & K19 - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Construction of new Armoured Combat Support Vehicle Facilities - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Upgrade In/Out Routes: Petersville fuel pumps- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Repair/Replace Culverts, Outfalls and Cross Drains- Central & Beartrap Brook- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Repair Culvert on Ganong Street- 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Demolition of Existing and Construction of New Building (WP100) - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Construction of a New Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) Facility
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Upgrade Sanitary Line and Culvert, Trail in Argonaut - 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Parking Lot Replacement (2) - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Parking Lot Replacement - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Water Drainage, CFB Shearwater Nova Scotia
Canadian Forces Base Shearwater and 761 Pleasant Street , Nova Scotia -
Recap of Roof (SHHGR342)- 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Airfield Repairs - 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Deconstruction of Various Buildings - 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Replacement Mast Installation - 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Lameque Breakwater and Floating Wavebreak Installation
Lameque Small Craft Harbour, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. -
Airfield Pavement Repair/Replacement, 12 Wing Shearwater, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax, Nova Scotia
12 Wing Shearwater, Eastern Passage -
Upgrade Parking Lot B-18, CFB Gagetown
CFB Gagetown -
Floating Wavebreaks Installation, Lameque NB
Lameque Small Craft Harbour -
Airfield Pavement Repairs, 12 Wing Shearwater, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia
12 Wing Shearwater, CFB Halifax -
Cole Harbor Apartment Expansion
Cole Harbour -
Infrastructure Support to Fuel Testing Lab at Aviation Fuel Farm- 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Cold Storage Warehouse, Port of Saint John, New Brunswick
Saint John -
High-Efficiency Gas Boiler for Domestic Hot Water, Physical Education and Recreation Centre - 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Refrigeration Heat Recovery from Ice Plant- 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Upgrade Priority 1 Water Lines - 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown which is located within the Town of Oromocto -
Crosby's Molasses Rail Spur Project at the Port of Saint John in New Brunswick
Saint John, New Brunswick -
Construction and Upgrade of Access Roads at Naval Radio Station (NRS) Mill Cove, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia
Mill Cove, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia -
Electrical Upgrade - Canadian Forces Station Mill Cove
Canadian Forces Station Mill Cove -
Amiens Range Upgrade Project - 5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic System at 12 Wing Shearwater - Canadian Forces Base Halifax
12 Wing Shearwater - Canadian Forces Base Halifax -
High Efficiency Natural Gas Boiler for Domestic Hot Water - 12 Wing Shearwater
12 Wing Shearwater -
Upgrade Underground Infrastructure Zone, 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Upgrade to Tilley Avenue between CANEX and Champlain Avenue - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown, Oromocto NB
5CDSB Gagetown which is located within the Town of Oromocto -
Upgrade to Tilley Avenue between Champlain Avenue and Ganong Street - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown, Oromocto NB
5CDSB Gagetown which is located within the Town of Oromocto -
Upgrade J7 Parking Lot/Parade Square - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown, Oromocto NB
5CDSB Gagetown which is located within the Town of Oromocto -
Upgrade Underground Infrastructure K Zone, 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, Oromocto, New Brunswick
5th Canadian Division Support Base, Gagetown -
Concrete structures installation for CFB Shearwater Building SH5
Shearwater -
Oromocto First Nation Shoreline Project
Oromocto First Nation -
Nulehtunan Sitomok - Repairing Our Shore
Oromocto First Nation -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Acadia First Nation - Gold River Gas Bar -
Gagetown Residential Housing Units Remediation Project
5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown -
Digby Nova Scotia PARROT/DME Replacement
West Dalhousie -
Building Construction - 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown -
Watercourse Crossing : Lawfield at Queens, Canadian Forces Base Gagetown
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown -
Install Fire Hydrants Camp Petersville, 5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown
5th Canadian Division Support Base (CDSB) Gagetown, Oromocto -
Improve Fencing, Canadian Forces Naval Engineering School Damage Control Division, Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax -
Bush Cutting the Sides of 4.7 km of Cross Country Ski Trails
Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada -
Hartlen Point Land-Based Testing Facility Project
Hartlen Pont, Eastern Passage -
Installation of a Concrete Tank and Septic Pump-Out System at the Port of Caraquet, NB
Caraquet DFO-SCH -
Construction of a Land Based Test Facility, Hartlen Point, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hartlen Point, Eastern Passage -
Caraquet Wharf Removal and Breakwater and Rock Protection Installation
Caraquet Small Craft Harbour in the town of Caraquet, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. -
Wharf Reconstruction at Parkers Cove Small Craft Harbour, Annapolis County, NS
Parkers Cove SCH is located in the community of Parkers Cove, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, on the Bay of Fundy coast. It is accessible from Parker Mountain Road via Shore Road West -
Replacement of diesel fuel system at Pigeon Hill Harbour, NB
Pigeon Hill -
Pabineau Water Exploration Study & Well Development
Pabineau First Nation -
Addition of Armourstone Protection at the Petit-Shippagan Small Craft Harbour, Gloucester County, New Brunswick
Petit-Shippagan, Gloucester County, New Brunswick -
St. Mary's First Nation Attenuation Pond, Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick
St. Mary's First Nation -
Miscou Fish Products Inc. Construction of Seafood Plant Addition
Miscou Small Craft Harbour -
St. Mary's First Nation - Court A Development
St. Mary's First Nation -
Wharf Reconstruction, Containment Cells and Slipway Construction at Carters Point Small Craft Harbour, Halifax County, NS
Carters Point SCH is located in Murphy Cove, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, and can be accessed from Murphy's Road via Nova Scotia Highway #7. -
Lincoln Road Infrastructure Upgrades
Fredericton -
Kaulbach Island Range Easement Clearing
Kaulbach Island -
Big Tancook Ferry Terminal Construction Project
Big Tancook -
Reconstruction of breakwater structure 301 at the Miller Brook Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour
Miller Brook DFO-SCH, Gloucester County -
Reconstruction of wharf structure 406 at the Miller Brook Fisheries and Oceans Canada Small Craft Harbour.
Miller Brook DFO-SCH, Gloucester County -
Chebucto Head MCTS Site Improvements
Chebucto Head -
Stonehaven Wharf Re-construction
Stonehaven Harbour is located on the Stonehaven Wharf Road, off of Route 11 in Stonehaven, Gloucester County, New Brunswick, on the southeast shore of Nepisiguit Bay. -
Fuel tank replacement - Sambro Search and Rescue station
Sambro -
Access Road - Pennant Harbour Lighthouse, DFRP# 02840 LL# 501
The proposed project is located in West Pennant, off of West Pennant Road, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. -
Cochrane Hill Gold Project
145 kilometres northeast of Halifax -
Vanier Commercial Development Project
Bathurst -
Queen Anne Dyke Upgrades by the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Paq'tnkek Gym Ground Mount -
Solar Microgrid for Bayside Travel Centre
Bayside Travel Centre -
Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Net Metering Solar Projects
Paq'tnkek School -
Paqtnkek Bayside Business Centre
Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation