Sheshegwaning Samson Edowishkosh Elementary School Construction

Sheshegwaning First Nation is proposing the construction of the Samson Edowishkosh Elementary School. The project will involve construction activities occuring on a wooded lot which will require the clearing of vegetation.

Latest update

August 23, 2024 – Indigenous Services Canada intends to make a determination regarding whether the carrying out of the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting public comments until September 23, 2024 respecting that determination.
August 23, 2024 - A public participation period is underway.


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
1 Public Comments Invited - August 23, 2024


Indigenous Services Canada - Ontario
Shawn Green, Environment Officer
655 Bay St, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4
Telephone: 416-973-1298

  • Location

    • Sheshegwaning First Nation (Ontario)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Building and Property Development
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Sheshegwaning First Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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