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Rapport de la commission d'examen

Annexe D - Présentations à la commission

D.1 Présentations verbales faites au cours des audiences publiques

  • Abrahamson, Mervyn
  • Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada (Michel Blondin, Maurice LaFond)*
  • AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited (Andy Small)*
  • Angus Butler Engineering (Jerry Helfrich)*
  • Annie Johnstone Pre-School (Caroline Ratt)
  • Association nucléaire canadienne (Murray Stewart)*
  • Association of Consulting Engineers of Saskatchewan (Phil Bruch)*
  • Association of Professional Engineers of Saskatchewan (Henry Feldkamp, Dennis Paddock)*
  • Athabasca Catering Ltd. Partnership (William Smith)*
  • BCP Engineering (Michelle Cabalt)*
  • Beauval, Northern Village of (pro-maire Elaine Malbeuf)*
  • Belanger, Buckley
  • Boyd, Laura
  • Caisse, William
  • Cameco Corporation (Doug Beattie, Chuck Edwards, Stan Frost, Nick Holl, Tom Jackson, Brian Jamieson, Jim Lauritzen, Jamie McIntyre, Bernard Michel, Rita Mirwald, Cam Osler, Bob Phillips, Bob Steane, John Takala, Mark Wittrup)*
  • Can Am Construction (Jean Poirier)*
  • Carle, Gordon
  • Chambers, Dr Doug
  • Charles, Tom
  • Chary, Dr Srini
  • Cogema Resources Inc. (Alain Marvy, Liz Quarshie)*
  • Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomique (Fred Ashley, Larry Chamney, Peter Courtney, Stan Isanen, Rick McCabe, Rick McCabe, Tom Viglasky)*
  • Container Port of Saskatchewan (Jerry Hnatiuk)*
  • Daigneault, Larry
  • Dancer, Joys
  • Dantouze, John (vice-chef)*
  • Environnement Canada (Bill Howard, Dr Dennis Lawson)*
  • Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (vice-chef Alan Adam)*
  • Flath, Tom
  • Francis, Mai
  • Fortugno, Maria
  • Golder Associates (Laurent Gareau)*
  • Gouvernement de la Saskatchewan (Jane Forster, Ray McKay, Tony Penikett)*
  • Groupe de travail Athabasca (présidente Janet Holmgren, Georgina MacDonald, conseillère Margaret Powder, maire Victor Robillard)*
  • Gurney, Penny*
  • Haukley, Daryl
  • Haynes, Stephen
  • Hinds, Bob
  • Inter-Church Uranium Committee (Michael Poellet)*
  • International Uranium Congress (Michelle Kowalski, Dan Parrott)*
  • Jackson's Lodge (Tom Jackson)
  • JNE Welding (Jim Nowakowski)*
  • Kilborn Western Inc. (Bruce Leech)*
  • Kitsaki Development Corporation (Dave McIlmoyl)
  • Kossick, Don
  • Kramer Ltd. (Tim Kramer)*
  • Kustiak, Cory
  • La Loche, Northern Village of (pro-maire John Janvier)
  • La Ronge/Air Ronge Economic Development Committee (Angus Pratt, Morris Gabrush)*
  • Lush, Don
  • McLeod, Bob
  • McCallum, Glen
  • McNulty, Tom
  • Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan (Hannah Natomagen)
  • Mid-North Safety (Martin Arndt)*
  • Millennium III Properties Corporation (Everett Kearley)*
  • Ministère de la Main-d'œuvre de la Saskatchewan (Brian Allan, Dr Ernest Becker, Jeff Parr)*
  • Ministère de l'Énergie et des Mines de la Saskatchewan (Jane Forster)*
  • Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Gestion des ressources de la Saskatchewan (William Caisse, Tom Gates, Rob Kidd, Malcolm Ross, John Schisler, Randy Sentis, Ron Zukowsky)*
  • Ministère des Affaires du Nord de la Saskatchewan (Ray McKay, Richard Turkheim)
  • Natomagen, Clarence
  • Natomagen, Roxanne
  • Nature Saskatchewan (Curt Schroeder)*
  • Northern Health Services (Charlotte Ratt, Neil McLeod)
  • Northern Dene Airways Ltd. (Dave Webster)*
  • Northern Resources Trucking (Dwayne Hounsell, Roger Olyowsky)*
  • Northlands College (Peter Mayotte, Bill McCallum)*
  • Northwest Municipalities Association (maire Joe Daigneault, maire Max Morin)*
  • O'Sky Yak Horizons (Tom Sanderson)
  • PCL Construction Management Inc. (Anibal Valente)*
  • Pêches et Océans Canada (Bruce Fallis, Dr Ray Hesslein, Dr Jack Klaverkamp, Dr Lyle Lockhart, Paul Wilkinson)*
  • Penna, Angela
  • Penna, Dr James*
  • Penna, Marion*
  • Penna, Phillip*
  • Peterson, Todd
  • Plunz, Mike
  • Points North Freight Forwarding Inc.(George Eikel)*
  • Pinehouse, Northern Village of (Rene Rediron, maire Greg Ross)*
  • Première Nation de Black Lake (vice-chef Alan Adam, Pierre Robillard, ancien, et Ron Robillard, chef)
  • Première Nation de Fond du Lac (chef Caroline Isadore)
  • Première Nation de Hatchet Lake (chef Emil Hansen)
  • Prince Albert Development Corporation (Trevor Ives)*
  • Probert, Rodney
  • Ratt, Charlotte
  • Recovery Lake (Leonard McCallum)
  • Ressources naturelles Canada (Grant Feasby, Carmel Létourneau, Rennie Tupper, Bob Whillans)*
  • Sandy Bay, Northern Village of (mairesse Ina Fietz Ray)*
  • Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres (Carl Kwiatkowski)*
  • Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce (Jim Glass)*
  • Saskatchewan Construction Association (Manley McLachlan)*
  • Saskatchewan Environmental Society (Ann Coxworth, Peter Prebble)*
  • Santé Saskatchewan (Dr James Irvine)*
  • Saskatchewan Highways (Stu Armstrong)*
  • Saskatchewan Mining Association (Bob Cunningham)*
  • Saskatchewan Northern Mines Monitoring Secretariat (Pam Schwann)
  • Saskatchewan Risk Assessment Society (Ralph Cheesman)*
  • Saskatchewan Uranium Coalition (Marvin Resnikoff)*
  • Saskatoon City Hospitals Foundation (Randy Kershaw)*
  • Saskatoon and District Chamber of Commerce (Kenneth Ziegler)*
  • Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority (John Hyshka)*
  • Septre Controls (Larry Bohn)*
  • Shearer, Craig
  • Shiell, Maisie*
  • Shumard, Shirley
  • Simpson, Graham
  • Sinclair, Neil*
  • Smith, Fred
  • Smith, Martin
  • Snake Lake Construction (Rene Rediron)
  • South Central Environmental Quality Committee (Bill Lehman, Greg Ross)*
  • Steinhäusler, Dr Fritz
  • Stilborn, Dan
  • Stomp, Gordon (maire)
  • Strnad, Dr George
  • Synergy Today (Rob Phillips)*
  • Taylor, A.S.*
  • Thomas, Dr Pat*
  • Tinker's Enterprises (Philip Tinker)
  • Tippo Forrest Products (Glen McCallum)
  • TriKon North General Contractors Ltd. (Ron Hemeon)*
  • United Steel Workers of America (Ken Neumann, Gordon Telfer, Bernie Welke)*
  • Uranerz (Al Shpyth)
  • Van Waters & Rogers (Lionel DeBray)*
  • Weingeist, Karen*
  • West Wind Aviation (Chris Tabler)*
  • Wood, Lee
  • Workplace Education Consortium of Saskatchewan (Phyllis Ramsden)*
  • Young, Tom

* Une proposition écrite a été fournie afin d'accompagner la proposition verbale et est disponible aux fins d'examen par le public.

D.2 Présentations écrites

  • Barbour, S. Lee
  • Gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (Andrew Galble)
  • Lawrence, Steve
  • Northwest Métis Development Corporation (Norm Johnson)
  • Points North Construction Ltd. (Bob Westgard)
  • Thyssen Mining Construction of Canada Ltd. (Volker Ebert)