Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador
Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador — Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Two-eyed Seeing— a Follow-up Meeting — Engagement Activity / Meeting Notes
Document reference number: 101
Date finalized: January 9, 2020
Date and Time / Duration
Monday, December 2, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. AST
Kwilmu'kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMKNO) Boardroom, 75 Treaty Trail, Millbrook, Nova Scotia
Participants (External)
Derek Peters KMKNO
Ross Hinks Miawpukek First Nation
Amanda Barnaby Mi'gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat
Marcy Cloud Mi'gmawe'l Tplu'taqnn
Bryn Wood NunatuKavut Community Council
Shelley Denny Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resource (UINR)
Jennifer Sylliboy UINR
Gordon Grey Wolastoqey Nation in New Brunswick
Corrie Melanson, Facilitator
Participants (Internal)
Committee Members:
Garth Bangay
Wes Foote
Maureen Murphy Rustad
Regional Assessment Task Team:
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Steve Bonnell
Jeff Janes
Virginia Crawford
Key Messages/Issues Raised
- 1. Review notes from November 13 workshop
- 2. Integrating findings from November 13 workshop and Committee draft recommendations
- 3. Breakout group of participants to discuss draft recommendations
- 4. Update on GIS decision support tool
Comments brought forward and incorporated into the Draft Recommendations immediately:
- 5. Recommendation A) 2d--Clarify that on-going or upcoming IK studies completed for offshore oil and gas exploratory drilling rather than completed by industry
- 6. Recommendation A) 3—Recommend that DFO develop its research plan in collaboration with Indigenous groups
- 7. New recommendation 25—As part of the required notification of Indigenous groups in the event of an offshore spill, it is recommended that the C-NLOPB require that operators include any associated imagery around the nature and extent of the spill.
- 8. New recommendation 31--The Committee recommends that the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada consult with Indigenous and stakeholder groups and the public in the development of the above referenced Ministerial Regulation.
- 9. Headings revised to speak to action
- 10. Draft Recommendations numbered consecutively for clarity
Areas of concern and group recommendations being considered further by the Committee:
- 11. Develop a compiled summary of all relevant environmental regulations/ guidelines / standards that apply to exploratory drilling as the basis for identifying any gaps and the setting of "thresholds"
- 12. Need for independent Inspections / Audits
- 13. Capping stack availability for prompt response
- 14. The recommendation to create a Regional Assessment Advisory Committee would not remove power imbalances, so consider an Indigenous-only advisory committee, and/or implementation of FPIC and UNDRIP
- 15. Cumulative effects more about logistics/planning than actual effects—what is effect of each added project?
- 16. Fisheries compensation in the event of a spill should extend to FSC / Indigenous fisheries and not just commercial fisheries as well as compensate for the impact of the perception of taint
Follow-up / Action Items
- 1. Changes made to the November 13 workshop notes will be circulated to participants for review then posted to the Registry after a two-week review period (sent December 12)
- 2. Integrate comments from meeting into Draft Recommendations prior to sending to participants of meetings being held December 5 and 6. (updated version of Draft Recommendations sent to all 41 Indigenous groups and participants of December 5 and 6 meetings on December 4)
- 3. Capture workshops as a Chapter for the Regional Assessment Report and circulate to all 41 Indigenous groups for a two-week review period (sent December 6)
Prepared By:
Virginia Crawford
- Date modified: