RE: Project Reference Number: 87154. Summary of Potential Impacts of Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Energy Storage Project on the Lakeland Métis Community Association.

Reference Number

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Energy Storage Project, while a significant step towards clean energy transition, presents various potential cumulative and direct impacts on the Lakeland Métis Community Association, a group with constitutionally recognized rights as Indigenous people of Canada.

Lakeland Métis Community Association (LMCA) serves as the representative body for the interests of our Métis citizens, a significant portion of whom reside within the Lac La Biche area. Within our community, LMCA citizens actively engage in traditional harvesting practices, spanning various regions of northern Alberta. These practices encompass seasonal mobility for traditional purposes, which include hunting, fishing, trapping, gathering, and the utilization of Crown land for these essential activities, all of which constitute integral components of the traditional way of life upheld by LMCA.

  1. Traditional Land Use and Cultural Impact: LMCA members actively engage in traditional land uses such as hunting, trapping, fishing, and plant harvesting in the project area. The development and operations of the project, particularly land clearing and potential alterations to wildlife habitats, could significantly impact these activities. The loss or change in vegetation communities and potential disruption to wildlife movement patterns could adversely affect the traditional lifestyles and cultural practices of the LMCA.
  2. Environmental Concerns: The project's environmental impact, particularly concerning soil and water quality, poses a risk to the natural resources that the LMCA depends on. Although mitigation strategies are proposed, the effectiveness and long-term sustainability of these measures remain a concern. The LMCA relies on the health and integrity of these natural systems for their cultural and physical well-being.
  3. Economic Opportunities and Employment: While the project promises economic growth and job creation, it is crucial to ensure that these opportunities are accessible to LMCA members. The project should actively involve the LMCA in employment and economic activities to support the community’s growth and sustainability.
  4. Noise and Air Quality: The project's impact on local air quality and noise levels could affect the health and quality of life of LMCA members. Continuous monitoring and adherence to environmental standards are essential to mitigate these effects.
  5. Infrastructure and Access: The development might lead to increased traffic and infrastructural changes, potentially affecting the LMCA's access to traditional lands and resources. Ensuring that the community's access is not hindered is vital for maintaining their cultural practices.
  6. Consultation and Engagement: Continuous and meaningful consultation with the LMCA is crucial throughout the project lifecycle. The insights and feedback of LMCA members should be integral in shaping project decisions to reflect their concerns and aspirations.
  7. Cumulative Effects: The combined impact of this project with other existing and future developments in the area could lead to significant cumulative effects on the LMCA’s traditional way of life and cultural heritage. A comprehensive assessment and monitoring plan addressing these cumulative impacts is necessary.

In conclusion, while the Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Energy Storage Project aligns with broader environmental goals, it is imperative to address its potential impacts on the LMCA comprehensively and sensitively. This involves respecting LMCA’s rights, maintaining its members’ traditional land uses, and ensuring the active participation of LMCA in decision-making processes.


Melina Power

President & CEO

Lakeland Métis Community Association






Submitted by
Lakeland Metis Community Association
Public Notice
Public Notice - Comments Invited on the Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2024-01-27 - 1:46 PM
Date modified: