Marmora Clean Energy Hub Project

Reference Number

I was born and raised in Marmora. My father worked at the mine from the day it opened until the day it closed.I worked there as a summer student while atttending university. On review of the material in the project description, and information received from the municipality, I see this as a win for all involved. There don't appear to be any environmental concerns and once operational, will be a much needed source of renewable energy.

Marmora and Lake need an economic boost, and this seems to be something that will benefit not only the residents of Marmora and Lake, but all users of electric power in the area.

I fully support this initiative and hope it will come to fruition.

Submitted by
Rick Deering
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2023-06-09 - 2:24 PM
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