RE: Rouge National Urban Park Study - Public comments invited on the draft Terms of Reference / Étude sur le parc urbain national de la Rouge - Le public est invité à formuler des commentaires sur le mandat provisoire

Reference Number

Thank you for including me in the request for comments on the draft Terms of Reference on the implications of developing the Duffin Rouge Agricultural Preserve.  Generally I believe this document covers the issues we want to address.  I only have one suggestion in that Dr. Ken Howard of the University of Toronto has incredible knowledge of the DRAP and it would be prudent to speak with him regarding any hydrogeological information required to complete your report.  The portion of the DRAP bounded by Altona Road, Taunton Road to the south, Townline Rd. to the west and Whitevale Road to the north was previously considered for a garbage dump.  The process included many studies of this piece of land and the Whitevale and District Residents’ Association hired Dr. Ken Howard to access the hydrogeological issues that would effect the aquifer that supplies our well water.  His studies continued after the site had been removed from contention.  His analysis of this area might be crucial to the understanding of the hydrogeology of the area.  I hope that you would include him in any discussions regarding hydrogeology along with the TRCA as he has a wealth of knowledge.


Marion Thomas

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Marion Thomas
Public Notice
Public Notice - Comments Invited on the Draft Terms of Reference
Date Submitted
2023-06-19 - 3:56 PM
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