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I am a concerned citizen for the terrible impact this decision if passed will have on our health and our natural world including our wild life. "Farmland is a precious resource that feeds and nourishes our communities". We should not take this for granted. Look at the effects Covid had where there was a food shortage and people were scrambling to stores that were limited for food that we rely on from other countries.Access to healthy fresh foods should be a priority for this Region as we have some of the best soils right here and food from the Earth is healthier to eat so we need to protect it. To build over these areas would be an atrocity not only for for farmers but for those that depend on local agriculture for food and their livelihood. Our wildlife also rely on these areas for food and shelter and we should be doing what we can to protect them as well.  The protection of the Greenbelt was put in place for an important reason as it is a critical water source for the province. Deforestation is a major contributor to environmental disasters, desertification and climate change.We need more trees not fewer to absorb carbon, produce oxygen and clean the air. They also provide us with natural shade. Futher to this nature also promotes mental health. I am sure many like myself like to get away from the city to recharge and enjoy what nature has to offer. There are fewer places to do this now especially if this plan gets accepted. It has been proven there is enough spaces in town without taking our precious natural spaces so lets protect what we have now and for future generations. 

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Public Notice
Date Submitted
2023-06-19 - 9:52 PM
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