Thorough Evaluation of effects of any residential development of Durham Agricultural Reserve

Reference Number

Biodiversity and protection of endangered species are most important to the future health of the land and peoples who live in the GTA. I support the most thorough evaluation of effects of any residential development of Durham Rouge Agricultural Reserve lands. There are many areas of concern:

1.Animals living in the Rouge Urban National Park ignore boundaries and often venture outside of them. What harm will be done if the Preserve is developed? 

2. Please examine the effects on the 42 endangered species that need habitat protection- all the turtle species, especially the Blanding's turtles, the monarch butterfly etc. and would be affected by changes.

3. Thoroughly examine the  effects on biodiversity if development is allowed, both immediate and future.

4. The removal of Class-1 farmland from the Durham Rouge Agricultural Reserve will affect food production and farm values. It must continue to be protected by the National Park and buffer the effects of development.

Submitted by
Linda Heron
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2023-06-19 - 12:36 PM
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