Comment on Tent Mountain Mine

Reference Number

I stand with thousands of Albertans who do not want any further coal development on the eastern slopes of the Rockies. I am a current resident. landowner, and former rancher in this area, and have lived most of my life here. I have worries about the security of our water supply in southern Alberta, including pollution issues from mining, and worries also about the deteriorating integrity of the ecosystem, which can only be worsened if this project goes ahead. In general, I have grave concerns over climate change issues. I do not see any merit (including consideration of ecomonic benefits) in allowing an Australian company to mine in our Rockies to ship coal to China.   

Submitted by
Brenda Ballachey
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2021-12-16 - 9:00 PM
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