Public Safety Canada Federal Authority Advice Record - Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project

Reference Number


The  interpretation of the Public Safety Canada, Pacific Regional Office is that we do not have a direct role in the subject areas and assessment for the Tilbury Phase 2 Expansion. The assessment is expected to to be focused at the regulatory and legislative levels, and presumably any emergency preparedness or mitigative activities during project development would be prescribed by regulations to be commented on by the specific regulatory provincial and federal departments.

A role that Public Safety could have, should there be a major emergency related to the site or project in the future, would be to facilitate federal and federal/provincial coordination during emergency response. Note that this would be for a major incident exceeding the routine response mechanisms for involved departments. I have attached the link to the Federal Emergency Response Plan (FERP) which describes this role.

While we do have an interest in disaster risk reduction, which can include any measures to reduce the likelihood of an emergency and environmental or community impacts, again I suspect this is out of scope as it comes from a broader policy lens, and likely specific requirements to prevent or mitigate incidents related to this project will be prescribed by sector-specific regulations.

Please advise if you require anything further at this time.

Thank you,

Andrew J. Hannan

Regional Director
Public Safety Canada, Pacific Region

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Public Safety Canada
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comment Period & Virtual Open Houses
  • PS-SP-#3586079-1-PS PRO Response - Federal Authority Advice Record - Tilbury 2 LNG Impact Assessment - June 3 2020.pdf (283.8 KB)
  • Date Submitted
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