Ring of fire

Reference Number

Good afternoon.  I just saw this information and I want to quickly provide my feedback.

I was in touch with the chief from Webequie years ago regarding their Land use study. The chief did not respond. 


As your office may know, DeBeers were already on our traditional lands for their open pit diamond mining.  They compensated families whose traplines were interfered with. This was a legal precedent from a mining company.


There are traplines within the ring of fire and the chiefs that I contacted in the past are negotiating with Ontario governments. Sadly, chief from Webequie did not respond to my inquiry. It was about the impact on Attawapiskat members traplines from an extension mining project located on Muketi river. I like to remind them about the legal precedent.


Our experiences with EA and socio-economic assessments with Debeers were negative and the conclusions from all agencies were weak by indicating that there are to be no significant environmental and social impacts. The agencies even went further by stating any exploration mining project do not qualify for consideration towards the EA. It is not fair and equitable and does not hold companies responsible for breach of process.  Are we, as First Nations not worthy to be compensated? What about the recommendations from Truth and Reconciliation? The government still does not guarantee our free and informed prior consent thus weakening and diluting Aboriginal rights and Human rights. 






Consultation of indigenous people should be done in the spirit of treaty. We still have poor housing, water, social crisis in our communities that would be improved if we could still use our own lands so indigenous people should be involved in how the mining is to proceed and if there are negative impacts still, we have to be fairly compensated and mining companies held accountable.

Thank you

Jackie hookimaw

Ps where is Cree written announcement for ring of fire assessment?


Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Jackie Hookimaw
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comment Period on the Draft Agreement to Conduct the Regional Assessment
Date Submitted
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