Équiterre's comments on the Canada-Québec Cooperation Agreement for the Gazoduq Project

Reference Number

Dear IAAC staff,

Please find attached the submission of Équiterre containing comments on the Canada-Québec Cooperation Agreement.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on the Agreement as part of the planning phase of the impact assessment process for the Gazoduq Project.

Best regards,

Shelley Kath, submitting on behalf of Équiterre

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Équiterre
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public comments invited on the draft Terms of Reference of the Integrated Review Panel and the Canada-Quebec Cooperation Agreement on the Coordination of Environmental Assessment and Impact Assessment Procedures for the Gazoduq Project
  • Gazoduq Project - Équiterre Comments on Canada-Québec Cooperation Agreement - June 4 2020.pdf (208 KB)
  • Date Submitted
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