"If citizenship is a matter of shared beliefs, then I believe in the democracy of species."Robin Wall Kimmerer

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"If citizenship is a matter of shared beliefs, then I believe in the democracy of species." Robin Wall Kimmerer

Dear Decision Makers,

The submission that you receive encouraging you to take the difficult path to stand for an ocean in crises rather than developers, investment pockets, is right here and right now. So much work and wisdom is part of this process. Submissions have been received by academics, fisherfolk, the Ecology Action Centre, the Sierra Club, citizens from many walks,  and low and behold now even a retired, highschool teacher in her grandparenting years. I don't stand alone in my submission, thousands have walked for this earth,in crises and our water protectors and land protectors are fighting a battle that is about shared beliefs. So please, listen to reason.  Offshore gas and oil exploratory digging is part of an extraction mentality that is in it's death throes.  We can do better. Solar and renewable energy investment is the wave of the future. After all those drills will get tangled up in the floating plastic and rotting salmon carcasses our human folly has offered.  Every species affected does have a voice in this but we will only realize and heed the cry of the whale when the resonance of it's sonar is lost to our grandchildren's ears.....We can do better. Stop the offshore digging. In hope and peace, kathrin winkler

Submitted by
kathrin winkler
Public Notice
Comment Tags
Climate change
Date Submitted
2020-02-12 - 8:41 AM
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