Response to application by Bay Du Nord development Project

Reference Number

Good afternoon,

I am a Canadian. I know we are in a climate emergency. We need to act now. 

I refer to the letter from WWF from September 2021, that clearly and succinctly outlines all the concerns, I as a human being and a Canadian have with this proposal. I also refer to The International Energy Agency 

"(IEA) has recently concluded that there can be no new oil, gas or coal development if the world is to reach net zero emissions by 2050.Carbon emissions from the full production of currently operating oil and gas fields and coal mines across the world will lead to global temperature rise beyond 1.5°C and make it impossible to meet global obligations under the Paris Agreement."

It is crucial the we ALL need to stop ALL fossil  fuel production NOW.. There it is.


Theresa Clinton

Submitted by
Theresa Clinton
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2022-01-28 - 2:29 PM
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