NO to the Fifteen Mile Stream gold mine

Reference Number

I strongly oppose the Fifteen Mile Stream gold mine. What good will this project do for our local communities? Short term jobs is not an adequate answer. What the open pit gold mine will do for certain: contaminate our natural water systems and air for YEARS to come, escalate the climate crisis, destroy the wetlands /fish habitat and disrupt our delicate ecoystem. I live close to the proposed site, on Highway 7, and I can't bear the thought of this project coming to fruition. One of the reasons I moved home to NS was because of the natural, untapped beauty of this part of the province. If the goldmine is approved, Highway 7 will be a nightmare to live and communte on. The Fifteen Mile Stream gold mine project is short sighted and greed driven with no consideration of the local residents, or the devasting impacts this will have on our enviornment. The open pit gold mine is not for the people! We say NO.

Submitted by
Shelley Long
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2021-04-29 - 7:45 PM
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