Lynn Lake Gold Project

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Attachment RE: Lynn Lake Gold Project - Comments Requested on the Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Potential EA Conditions - Due December 7

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Reference Number: 115
  • Submitted: 2022-12-09 - 3:19 PM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice: Public Comments Invited on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report and Potential Conditions
  • Please see the attached submission. 
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 LYNN LAKE GOLD PROJECT: ECCC input into the Draft EA Report Chapter /Section Title, Section #, Page # Original text from the Agency ECCC’s input/comments Rationale 2.2.2 MacLellan Site Tailings Management Facility p.28 “The use of a full liner beneath the Tailings Management Facility was not proposed as the current design was considered more economically feasible and would allow tailings consolidation over time.” ECCC recommends that the Agency consider expanding the Agency’s text to reflect the following additional rationale provided by the Proponent, in their response to Information Request IAAC-R2-75: In response to IAAC-R2-75 the Proponent noted: With a fully lined TMF, the lack of foundation drainage would prolong the tailings consolidation process, reducing long-term stability and increasing the risk of embankment failure. To include additional relevant information and rationale provided by the Proponent. 3.2.1 ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Environmental Protection Operations Directorate Prairie & Northern Region ECCC File: 4194-10-5/3295 9250 49 Street Edmonton, AB T6B1K5 CIAR Reference: 80140 December 09, 2022 via email at: Wajeeha Siddiqui Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 1145-9700 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB. T5J 4C3 Dear Wajeeha Siddiqui, Re: Lynn Lake Gold Project - Comments Requested on the Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Potential EA Conditions Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has reviewed the Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Potential EA Conditions for the above-noted Project as requested by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada’s November 7, 2022 letter. Our input attached is based on ECCC’s mandate in the context of the ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 LYNN LAKE GOLD PROJECT: ECCC input into the Draft Potential Conditions Section title, Section #, Page # Original text from the Agency ECCC’s input/comments ECCC’s recommended edits from original text are outlined in red and text to be removed in strikethrough. Rationale 8. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS GHG Emissions 8.1.2, p.20 “for each source of emissions identified pursuant to condition 8.1.1, identify the best available technologies and best environmental practices (BAT/BEP) , including emerging technologies and practices at a sufficiently advanced stage of technological development to become technically and economically feasible over the life of the Designated Project, taking into account the BAT/BEP determination process as ECCC recommends the Agency revise the text as follows: “for each source of emissions identified pursuant to condition 8.1.1, identify the best available technologies and best environmental practices ...


Attachment FW: Lynn Lake Gold Project - Posting of the Draft Environmental Assessment Report - MCFN comments [BLG-DOCUMENTS.FID8057974]

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Marcel Colomb First Nation
  • Reference Number: 118
  • Submitted: 2022-12-09 - 10:16 AM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice: Public Comments Invited on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report and Potential Conditions
  • Please see the attached submission. 
  • Attachment Included
  • Pro jec t Lo c a tio n SA SK AT CH EW AN MA NI TO BA M a rc el Co lo m b First Na tio n (Bla c k Sturgeo n Reserve) ¬«398 ¬«638 ¬«394 ¬«391 ¬«396 LYNN LAKE GORDON SITEMACLENNAN SITE 30 31 98 29 122 36 YOUTH LINE 32 144 35 37 34 156 40 166 168 SOUTHERN INDIAN LAKE Pa th: S: \G eo ma tic s\P roj ec ts\ 10 64 61 \01 \m xd \Fi g2 __ 10 64 61 _0 1_ Tra pli ne _L an dR es ou rce s_ 22 03 08 .m xd Pro d uctio n Da te: M a r 8, 2022 Pa ge Size: 11" x 17" 106461-01 Figure 2 NAD 1983 UTM Z o ne 14N ± City o r To wn Ind ivid ua l Tra p line Bo und a ry Current Use o f La nd s a nd Reso urc es fo r Tra d itio na l Purp o ses Tra p line Bo und a ry Externa l Tra p line Bo und a ry First Na tio n Reserve Highwa y Study Area Lo c a l Assessm ent Area Regio na l Assessm ent Area Project Infrastructure Pro p o sed O p en Pit Pro ject Develo p m ent Area DRAFT Fo r Disc ussio n Purp o ses O nly 1:200,000 Legend 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 Kilo m ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 Potential conditions under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada is contemplating the following potential conditions in relation to the Lynn Lake Gold Project (the Designated Project) located in Manitoba for recommendation to the Minister of the Environment (the Minister) for inclusion in a Decision Statement issued under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. If the Minister decides that the carrying out of the Designated Project is unlikely to cause significant adverse environmental effects as defined under subsections 5(1) and 5(2), or if the Minister decides that the Designated Project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects and the Governor in Council decides such effects are justified in the circumstances, the Designated Project would be allowed to proceed, and any conditions established by the Minister under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 would ...
  • Attachment Included
  • December 9, 2022 VIA EMAIL: Stephen McCarthy Senior Consultation Analyst Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Dear Mr. McCarthy: Re: Alamos Gold Inc.’s Lynn Lake Gold Project (the “Project”) – Response to Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the “Agency”) draft report dated November 2022 (the “draft EA Report”) and draft Conditions for Approval (the “draft EA Conditions”) We are deeply disappointed in the draft EA Report and draft EA Conditions. The Agency appears to have under-stated or misunderstood the scope, nature and implications of the potential impacts of the Project on our community. It will take significant work by the Agency to re-write these documents to fulfil the Agency’s obligations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (“CEAA 2012”) and the Crown’s obligations to consult and accommodate Marcel Colomb First Nation (“MCFN”) and to adequately ensure the protection of our constitutionally protected rights. ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 .s• ‘ .',„ i'z-„,,I -) , A ' 4 4,. , • ' • • )0 4 4 • r% i . , 4, ed. ' ' ( 1 t.. . e ‘: el ' "i? 4.• • 4 1 ' •••• . ,., 7 •- 11,* > '-.4-. ' t• . • -• ' e 'oC• • ' ,' ' ....31'1'' e .4. • ..;:' 'el > ' ' . - .. j ''' .: ' ') &-• •;4<",?«.f- '1.461 /,/r i I- .- ' ''.;,`.. i. ,:,t•-., .,„*.,'• 1.7 , 'le: 1:i..- :e ./iip s ...r., 0; I ' ,•• - I , . • . ' ä • .., 14 . , d 11 1 / 'V ,' • ',( j ji" d _ ."'-./- J ' ,- ... t re '4 . • • " ,) /21. / ' e ',. . ,t 1 lit 7,4' .1 ./- •77 r . . d . 4 d ' . 0 ,.i4,.. )7 '_Y 70 i 7,, er, 4' A , fr f j...„ '0" • / , 4re ' " e. - 2.- 4 , / - f r"fr - • • ier "f„. . • sr. • ▪ • 7, • .4 I I • /4 /./ :ed.' •▪ •, • • ? ••• ".• - - • • . - - - , /if ,- • .. • , -. f /". . 7'4 - • , . j ' 7 - f••-c '1 - • If • 7,et. , .„ / If .• I , _-_,r j,, s / \ • 4 "'.çfJ,55•„; •••• e2- 44. 4 j• esri'l . ^ - f' r. sir 1 ( • jig: •••• , jet( ) " /1L..e ▪ ' • • % ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Lynn Lake Gold Project Environmental Impact Statement Federal IR Responses Round 2, Package 2 Extract of response to IAAC-R2-57 Marcel Colomb First Nation Baseline and Mitigation Table Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Ltd. June 3, 2022 LYNN LAKE GOLD PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Report on Baseline Conditions and Potential Project Effects for Indigenous Nations in Support of Response to Information Request IAAC-R2-57 12 Table Error! No text of specified style in document.-1 Marcel Colomb First Nation Baseline and Mitigation Table Consultation/Engagement Input Species/Locations Identified Relevant Regulatory Filings1 Potential Project Effects Proposed Mitigation Measures Monitoring and Follow Up Additional Alamos Response Marcel Colomb First Nation – information obtained through Alamos Indigenous engagement program current to May 9, 2022 Atmospheric Environment Issues and Concerns MCFN expressed concern about potential atmospheric ...


Attachment 17-HCAA-01029- Lynn Lake Draft EA report and Draft EA conditions - DFO comments and edits for consideration

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Reference Number: 122
  • Submitted: 2022-12-07 - 6:02 PM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice: Public Comments Invited on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report and Potential Conditions
  • Please see the attached submissions
  • Attachment Included
  • Table 1. EA conditions and EA draft report_DFOCommentsedits Section Chapter Pg Number Text/Edit Comment 6.3.1 Surface Water pg. 70 "The Proponent did not anticipate that the new diversion channel would alter surface water quantity and flow to adjacent waterbodies as effects to groundwater and surface water patterns would be similar to the existing diversion channel between Gordon and Farley Lakes. " contradicts "The diversion channel would remain in place permanently to maintain connectivity between Gordon and Farley Lakes, therefore resulting in permanent changes to groundwater flow patterns and discharge, and associated changes to surface water quantity and flow." The two statements contradict each other. Additional details are requested here to describe the diversion channel's anticipated impacts to groundwater and surface water flow during decommissioning, while impacts are not anticipated to occur during construction. 6.3.3 Surface Water pg.80 ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pêches et Océans Canada Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ontario and Prairie Region 1028 Parsons Rd SW Edmonton, Alberta T6X 0J4 Programme de Protection du poisson et de son habitat Pêches et Océans Canada Région de l'Ontario et des Prairies 1028 rue Parsons Sud-Ouest Edmonton, Alberta T6X 0J4 Your file Votre référence December 7, 2022 Our file Notre référence 17-HCAA-01029 Wajeeha Siddiqui Lynn Lake Gold Project c/o Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Subject: Lynn Lake Gold Project – DFO final comments/edits requested on draft EA Report and draft EA conditions. Dear Wajeeha Siddiqui: Thank you for your letter dated November 7, 2022, requesting Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) provide our final comments on the draft EA report and draft condition for the proposed Lynn Lake Gold Project ...


Attachment Health Canada - Review of Lynn Lake Gold Project Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Potential EA Conditions

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Health Canada
  • Reference Number: 123
  • Submitted: 2022-12-07 - 11:30 AM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice: Public Comments Invited on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report and Potential Conditions
  • Please see the attached submissions
  • Attachment Included
  • 6 Predicted Changes to the Environment 6.1 Atmospheric Environment The Agency summarized the Proponent’s assessment of changes to the atmospheric environment with input from federal authorities and Indigenous nations. This summary supports the analysis of effects on fish and fish habitat (Chapter 7.1), migratory birds (Chapter 7.2), species at risk (Chapter 7.3), Indigenous Peoples’ current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes, physical and cultural heritage, and sites of significance (Chapter 7.4), Indigenous Peoples’ health and socio-economic conditions (Chapter 7.5), and federal lands (Chapter 7.6), included in this EA Report. The Agency is of the view that the Proponent adequately considered potential effects of the Project on the atmospheric environment and that the Proponent’s proposed mitigation measures, monitoring, and follow- up programs (Appendix D) are appropriate to address potential project effects to the atmospheric environment. ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 6.4 The Proponent shall develop, prior to construction and in consultation with Indigenous groups, Health Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada and any other relevant authorities, a follow-up program to verify the accuracy of the environmental assessment as it pertains to adverse environmental effects of changes to the quality of air and country foods on the health of Indigenous Peoples, taking into account available traditional knowledge provided by Indigenous groups related to current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes. The Proponent shall implement the follow-up program during all phases of the Designated Project. As part of the implementation of the follow-up program, the Proponent shall: 6.4.1 identify, in consultation with Indigenous groups, the species of fish, vegetation and wildlife used as country foods and determine the locations where these species shall be monitored; 6.4.2 monitor, beginning prior to construction and ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 7.5 Indigenous Peoples – Health and Socio- Economic Conditions The Project could cause residual adverse effects on the health and socio-economic conditions of Indigenous Peoples, including the physical health of individuals and communities and community well- being, through changes to the availability, quality, and access to country foods; access to resources and sites of traditional and cultural importance; surface water and groundwater quality; the atmospheric environment; and the availability and access to community services and infrastructure. The Agency is of the view that the Project is not likely to cause significant adverse effects on Indigenous Peoples’ health and socio-economic conditions after taking into account the proposed key mitigation measures. The Agency’s conclusions are based on an analysis of the Proponent’s assessment, including the Proponent’s proposed mitigation, monitoring, and follow-up measures, and the views expressed by federal ...


Attachment Lynn Lake Gold Project - Comments Requested on the Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Potential EA Conditions - Due December 7

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Natural Resources Canada
  • Reference Number: 121
  • Submitted: 2022-12-07 - 10:02 AM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice: Public Comments Invited on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report and Potential Conditions
  • Please see the attached submissions
  • Attachment Included
  • December 07, 2022 CIAR File No.: 80140 Wajeeha Siddiqui Project Manager, Prairie and Northern Region Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Subject: Lynn Lake Gold Project - Comments Requested on the Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Potential EA Conditions - Due December 7 On November 07, 2022 the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) requested Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to conduct a review and comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Potential EA Conditions for the Lynn Lake Gold Project. NRCan is participating in the environmental assessment process pursuant to section 20 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 as a department in possession of specialist or expert information or knowledge related to the Project. NRCan has conducted its review of the Proponent’s responses to IRs based on the department’s expertise in hydrogeology, acid rock drainage and ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Natural Resources Canada Comments on Draft Lynn Lake EA Report December 07, 2022 Page: Section: Draft EA Report Text: NRCan Comment: 65 6.2.2 Natural Resources Canada noted concerns that, as groundwater flows through bedrock slowly, residual project effects on groundwater quantity and quality may not be observable at groundwater monitoring wells during operation. Natural Resources Canada recommended that the Proponent be required to monitor groundwater seepage intercepted by the seepage collection systems throughout operation to assist in the timely identification of residual effects to groundwater and to inform whether contingency measures are required. To validate and transiently calibrate the groundwater model for the Gordon site, Natural Resources Canada also recommended that the Proponent use the results of ...


Attachment Lynn Lake - Request for Technical Review of Round 3 Information Request Responses and Updated Final Views

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
  • Reference Number: 106
  • Submitted: 2022-08-18
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Please see the attached submission.
  • Attachment Included
  • Attachment 2 – Updated Final Views – Lynn Lake Gold Project Updated Department Final Views Objective: To document your final views on each area of your department’s mandate related to potential environmental effects under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. Please ensure that advice and recommendations are concise, focused, explained, and are linked to your departmental mandate. Please provide us with your comments on the information request responses by August 17, 2022 Topic Area Reference comments and/or IRs (optional) Adequacy of proponent’s responses/outstanding issues (optional) Potential significant residual effects Key mitigation measures or follow- up Select the section 5 effect to which your comment applies: 5(1)(a)(i) Fish and Fish Habitat 5(1)(a)(ii) Aquatic Species 5(1)(a)(iii) Migratory Birds 5(1)(b) Federal Lands /Transboundary Effects 5(1)(c)(i) Aboriginal Peoples’ ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Attachment 1 – Technical Review of Round 3 Information Request Responses – Lynn Lake Gold Project Information Request Responses - Technical Review Optional Feedback Form Objective: Taking into account the information provided in the Round 3 Information Request responses from Alamos Gold Inc., please identify any areas in the responses to the Information Requests that require further information to understand the potential environmental effects of the Project, and the significance of those effects to the components of the environment. Please provide us with your comments on the Information Request responses by August 17, 2022 IR Number Context and Rationale Specific Question / Comment IAAC-R3- 01 The description of the hydrogeological context of the project should include the delineation of stratigraphic and hydrogeological boundaries and the physical properties of the hydrogeological units. Hydraulic conductivity tests have not been completed ...
  • Attachment Included
  • August 18, 2022 CIAR File No.: 80140 Wajeeha Siddiqui Project Manager, Prairie and Northern Region Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Subject: Natural Resources Canada’s Submission for Lynn Lake - Request for Technical Review of Round 3 Information Request Responses On August 10, 2022 the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) requested Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to conduct a technical review of Alamos Gold Inc’s (the Proponent) round 3 Information Requests (IRs) responses for the Lynn Lake Project (the Project). NRCan is participating in the environmental assessment process pursuant to section 20 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 as a department in possession of specialist or expert information or knowledge related to the Project. NRCan has conducted its review of the Proponent’s responses to IRs based on the department’s expertise in hydrogeology, ...


Attachment Health Canada - Technical Review of Lynn Lake Gold Project Round 3 IR responses

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Health Canada (HC)
  • Reference Number: 104
  • Submitted: 2022-08-17
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Please see the attached submission.
  • Attachment Included
  • Attachment 1 – Technical Review of Round 3 Information Request Responses – Lynn Lake Gold Project Information Request Responses - Technical Review Optional Feedback Form Objective: Taking into account the information provided in the Round 3 Information Request responses from Alamos Gold Inc., please identify any areas in the responses to the Information Requests that require further information to understand the potential environmental effects of the Project, and the significance of those effects to the components of the environment. Please provide us with your comments on the Information Request responses by August 17, 2022 IR Number Context and Rationale Specific Question / Comment IAAC-R3- 07 In its response to IAAC-R3-07, the Proponent provided clarification by confirming that the more conservative 95% upper confidence limit of the mean (UCLM) approach was used, rather than the mean, for inputs to the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA). ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Environmental Health Program (EHP) Regulatory Operations and Regions Branch (ROEB) Health Canada 391 York Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P4 August 17, 2022 Wajeeha Siddiqui Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Suite 1145, 9700 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3 Sent by email to: Subject: Health Canada’s Technical Review of the Lynn Lake Gold Project – Information Request Round 3 Dear Wajeeha Siddiqui: Health Canada has completed a review of Alamos Gold Inc.’s (Proponent) responses to Round 3 Information Requests for the proposed Lynn Lake Gold Project (the Project), which is currently undergoing Technical Review. Health Canada is participating in the environmental assessment review of the Project as a Federal Authority under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. Health Canada’s comments are included in Attachment 1 for your consideration. No updates have been made to HC’s Department Final Views, ...


Attachment From Natural Resources Canada re: Technical Review of Round 2 Information Request Responses

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Natural Resources Canada
  • Reference Number: 94
  • Submitted: 2022-06-23 - 4:56 PM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Please see the attached submission
  • Attachment Included
  • Attachment 1 – NRCan’s Technical Review of Round 2 Information Request Responses – Lynn Lake Gold Project IR Number Context and Rationale Specific Question / Comment IAAC-R2- 58 The proponent has provided a suite of water quality predictions in the receiving environment under expected and upper case scenarios under wet and dry climate conditions upstream (QM02) and at several water bodies downstream of the McLellan site. In general, predicted affected areas are KEE3-B1 and Minton Lake (i.e. groundwater seepage from MRSA and TMF). However, predicted maximum levels of Cu, Zn and Ni in the expected case to be above water quality criteria in Cockeram Lake, which collects drainage from Keewatin and Minton Lake water sheds during the entire lifecycle of the mine. It is noted that PAG mine rock will be blended at both sites and that the proponent rely on existing pile to support blending. NRCan would recommend that the proponent segregate PAG from non-PAG rock ...
  • Attachment Included
  • June 23, 2022 Agency File No: 80140 NRCan File No: MA-564 Chelsea Fedrau Project Manager Impact Assessment Agency of Canada – Prairie and Northern Region SENT BY EMAIL to: Subject: NRCan Technical Review – Proponent responses to Round 2 IRs– Lynn Lake Gold Project On June 9, 2022 Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) received a request from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) to provide a technical review of the Proponent’s responses to the second round of Information Requests (IRs) for the Lynn Lake Gold Project. NRCan has met this request by reviewing the information in the responses that is relevant to NRCan’s areas of expertise. For this project, NRCan is providing expertise in hydrogeology, acid rock drainage and metal leaching as well as in our role as administrators of the Explosives Act. NRCan’s comments for this review can be found in attachment 1. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via ...


Attachment From Health Canada re: Technical Review of Round 2 Information Request Responses

  • Lynn Lake Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Health Canada
  • Reference Number: 96
  • Submitted: 2022-06-23 - 2:32 PM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Please see the attached submission
  • Attachment Included
  • Julie Anderson Regional Impact Assessment Specialist Environmental Health Program Regulatory Operations & Enforcement Branch Health Canada cc: Heather Jones-Otazo, A/Manager, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch (HECSB), Health Canada David Kitchen, Regional Manager, Manitoba/Saskatchewan region, EHP, ROEB, Health Canada Aurelia Thevenot, A/Senior Environmental Health Specialist, HECSB, Health Canada Environmental Health Program (EHP) Regulatory Operations and Regions Branch (ROEB) Health Canada 391 York Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P4 June 23, 2022 Wajeeha Siddiqui Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Suite 1145, 9700 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3 Sent by email to: Subject: Health Canada’s advice on the Technical Review of the Lynn Lake Gold Project – Information Request Round 2 Dear Wajeeha Siddiqui: Health Canada has ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 Attachment 1 – Technical Review of Round 2 Information Request Responses – Lynn Lake Gold Project Information Request Responses - Technical Review Optional Feedback Form Objective: Taking into account the information provided in the Round 2 Information Request responses from Alamos Gold Inc., please identify any areas in the responses to the Information Requests that require further information to understand the potential environmental effects of the Project, and the significance of those effects to the components of the environment. Please provide us with your comments on the Information Request responses by June 23, 2022 Reference IR# Expert Dept. or group EIS Guideline Reference EIS Reference Context and Rationale The Proponent is Required to … Cumulative Effects IAAC-R2-51 HC 4.2.2 Community Knowledge and Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge 6.2.1 Changes to the atmospheric environment 6.2.3 Changes to riparian, wetland, and ...

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