Possible Solution?

Reference Number

There is possible solution to all this. 
Issue is that residents near tremaine rd don't want trucks 24/7 driving up and down the road. 

possible solution: 
one solution could be to have New proposed HWY for easy traffic flow exiting to CN site. Extension from HWY 403 to HWY 401 near Walkers lane or Appleby line in Halton. (Connecting both Hwys in the west of milton, from North to South and adding a EXIT close to the CN Hub Site. 1st side rd). 
****Attach Picture 
residents will like the HWY idea as trucks will be far from there sight and not intefer in there day to day life. 


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Base Cafe
Public Notice
  • A3CB7CA7-1BB6-4227-A633-06AC7353F3FD.jpeg (678.5 KB)
  • BEA73942-F42E-4600-B119-C176B4C62D2F.jpeg (932.3 KB)
  • Date Submitted
    2020-09-07 - 10:50 AM
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