Woodfibre LNG wants to bombard Howe Sound with noise!

Reference Number

To the Honorable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada:
PLEASE refuse the application from Woodfibre LNG Limited to amend the Decision Statement issued under Section 54 of CEAA 2012.
ELIMINATE the negative effects that the amendment of conditions 3.8 and 6.4 would have on local aquatic environments and at-risk species when the project starts construction.The project sits in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and should be held to the highest environmental protection standards to respect the area’s biodiversity and fragile environmental recovery.The area is home to Steller Sea Lions, a species listed as of special concern under the federal Species At Risk Act (SARA) and whose recovery your government is responsible for.Natural ecosystems need to be assessed as complete systems, not in isolation as Woodfibre LNG is currently doing.It is possible for underwater noise levels to be higher than those predicted by the project.
Neglect that responsibility, and a clear message that a fracked gas company’s profits are more important than the land and waters our communities depend on, but because you ministers & bureaucrats continue to side with Big CWBs at every turn by allowing favours to these CWBs, well paid positions on advisory boards are guaranteed to you ministers & bureaucrats when you leave politics.
YES, you're aiming at a Corporate Welfare Buddies Future Considerations Retirement Plan.
Nobody is stopping you. e.g:Peter Munk profited greatly from his connections at the highest echelons of Canadian politics, with the likes of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and former Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird joining Barrick Gold’s International Advisory Board after leaving office, giving the corporation enormous political clout and access to policy makers.https://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/who-will-publish-eulogies-for-the-victims-of-barrick-gold
Will you tackle runaway undemocratic governments by acting swiftly to introduce responsibility to essential public office, or just continue kicking the sand in the sand box?

Bill Hadgkiss <personal information removed>

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Bill Hadgkiss
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to the Project
Date Submitted
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