Please reject the RBT2 expansion

Reference Number

Along with thousands of others, I am writing to emphatically oppose the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 expansion. The science is clear that this project will inflict unacceptable and irreversible destruction to the Fraser River Estuary and Salish Sea ecosystems. These ecosystems are of global ecological significance, connecting food webs and essential migratory routes spanning 20 countries. Over one hundred imperilled species are at risk of extinction if cumulative pressures continue to intensify. Offsetting on such a scale is untenable.

The predicted consequences of the expansion are overwhelming, and although the impacts will be felt most acutely in British Columbia the burden will be carried by all Canadians for generations to come. Please reject this project.

Emily Clark

Submitted by
Emily Clark
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Additional Information and Potential Conditions
Date Submitted
2022-03-16 - 2:56 AM
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