PenderPod is a community organization on Pender Island dedicated to honouring, protecting and defending the Natural Environment of the Salish Sea

Reference Number

We recommend that the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project be rejected on the grounds of Human Health, threats to species at risk including the Southern Resident Killer Whales, and the impact this project will have on the culture and food security of First Nations. 

It is imperative that the review panel consider the impacts of potential spills and crashes not only in the proposed expanded terminal, but also the environmental impacts of increased tanker traffic along the entirety of the shipping route through the Salish Sea. For this assessment to be credible it must include independent scientific reports including the full report by the ECCC scientists.

Submitted by
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Additional Information and Potential Conditions
  • PenderPod PDF (1).pdf (2.1 MB)
  • Comment Tags
    Air Quality Migratory Birds Species at Risk General opposition to project Human Health and Well-Being Assessment Timelines / Process Biodiversity Wetlands Marine Environment Indigenous Culture
    Date Submitted
    2022-02-08 - 5:18 PM
    Date modified: