Day 8 & 9

Reference Number

Day 8 started off by finishing the discussion in regards to fishery and protection of existing plants shrubs ect while discussing how invasive plants will be dealt with. I thought that most of the talks were fruitful and everyone seemed to be in agreement that sufficient work is planned to keep things under control. That included 2 species of birds that mate approximately 1 month before the start of mating season of April 15.

The hearings hit a snag when multiple government agencies displayed critical concerns over a dwindling Boreal Caribou population.  The government has a program in place that aims at increasing the population to the point were they are able to self sustain.

I believe the main concern was the ease of connectivity that the Caribou would have during production, operation and closure. 

GenPgm said that during their study period there were no Caribou observed in the area of concern. To me that is a good response if it was followed by  how the area would be monitored and what steps would be taken if infact they spotted a Caribou in the future.

The ECCC said that the information provided was not sufficient and asked GenPgm for more clarity.

Just when things looked like this is gonna be a major issue a member of the panel asked about an example of 30to1 reforestation which suggests 30000 hecters to the 1000 heaters used by GenPgm.

The answer to that by ECCC seemed to show a way to remedy this problem by relocating infrastructure or by improving connectivity. 

GenPgm was issued a few undertakings which I believe they will use the opportunity to clear this issue. 

Noise disturbance was another concern. It is believed that the possible 24 hour noise from  project activities might change the Caribou behavior.

The explanation that was given by GenPgm seemed satisfactory to me. They looked at all the noises currently in the area especially from the 2200 cars a day that passes through highway 19 among other things and determined that the Caribou in this area must be accustomed to the noise levels of their current surroundings. Therefore the mine would have little or no impact from noise disturbance. 

Overall even though there were some tough moments when discussing the Caribou,I still believe that all of the presenters yesterday want to collaborate with one another to see this mine go through.( my opinion only)

Members of the panel asked very pointed questions to help facilitate a satisfactory solution. 

Much needed break for all involved and Day 10 would start Monday at 9 am.



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Public Notice
Date Submitted
2022-03-24 - 7:06 AM
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