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5685 results

Project Grassy Mountain Coal Project

  • Location (Southwest Alberta, approximately 7 kilometres north of Blairmore, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Environmental assessment by Review Panel under CEAA 2012
  • Status: Completed
  • Reference Number: 80101
  • Last Modified: 2021-08-06
  • Relevance: 145385.4
  • Benga Mining Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Riversdale Resources Limited, is proposing to construct and operate an open-pit metallurgical coal mine near the Crowsnest Pass, approximately seven kilometres north of the community of Blairmore, in southwest Alberta. As proposed, the production capacity of the project would be a maximum of 4.5 million tonnes of processed coal per year, over a mine-life of about 25 years.

Document Executive summary of the Report of the Joint Review Panel, Benga Mining Limited, Grassy Mountain Coal Project

  • Project Grassy Mountain Coal Project
  • Document Category: Panel Records
  • Reference Number: 5094
  • Updated: 2021-06-17
  • Document: 139434E.html
  • Relevance: 79436.4
  • Executive summary of the Report of the Joint Review Panel, Benga Mining Limited, Grassy Mountain Coal Project Please note that this executive summary is an excerpt from the Report of the Joint Review Panel, Benga Mining Limited, Grassy Mountain Coal Project (CIAR #5093) If you experience problems, contact the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada at: to obtain alternate formats.
  • For questions or information, please contact: Grassy Mountain Coal Project Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 160 Elgin St, 22nd Floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H3 Telephone: 613-957-0700 or 1-866-582-1884 Fax: 613-957-0862 Email: and refer to reference number 80101
1 alternate format found
English PDF
  • Relevance: 77233.59
  • Benga Mining Limited, Grassy Mountain Coal Project Joint Review Panel 2021 ABAER 010 (June 17, 2021) vii Executive Summary Benga Mining Limited (Benga) submitted an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Grassy Mountain Coal Project to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) on November 10, 2015, and submitted an updated EIA on August 15, 2016.
  • The production capacity of the Grassy Mountain Coal Project (the project) would be a maximum of 4.5 million tonnes of metallurgical coal per year over a mine life of approximately 23 years.
  • Benga’s conclusions were premised on the assumed Benga Mining Limited, Grassy Mountain Coal Project viii 2021 ABAER 010 (June 17, 2021) Joint Review Panel effectiveness of these measures.

Document From Ackroyd LLP on behalf the Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy Mountain Group re: Hearing presentation of Mr. Cliff Wallis on wildlife

  • Project Grassy Mountain Coal Project
  • Document Category: Hearing Documents
  • Reference Number: 909
  • Updated: 2020-11-26
  • Document: 136980E.pdf
  • Relevance: 72460.03
  • Environmental Considerations for Proposed Benga Mining Limited Grassy Mountain Coal Project CEAA Reference 80101 OPENING STATEMENT (WILDLIFE) OF CLIFF WALLIS P.
  • November 2020 Cottonwood Consultants Ltd. 615 Deercroft Way SE Calgary, AB T2J 5V4 Telephone: (403) 271-1408 email: • South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (SSRP) -- recognizes a wide range of fish, wildlife and plants species and a broad range of ecosystem services provided • Grassy Mountain Coal Project is located in one or more Environmentally Significant Areas • “Species at Risk” and other species of management concern, with particular emphasis on federally listed species Alberta Environmental Protection (1995) describes the Montane: • “The montane occupies a relatively small portion of Alberta, covering about 5897 km2, or less than 1 percent of the province’s land area, but it is disproportionately important for biodiversity conservation. 2 KEY WILDLIFE CONSIDERATIONS Wildlife of Conservation Concern: • pdf 181 CIAR 69 5th Addendum: “magnitude of potential effects on habitat availability for olive-sided flycatcher and little brown
  • ” • Difficult to reconcile development of the Grassy Mountain coal project with conservation objectives for Little Brown Myotis when significant use has been recorded in parts of the project -- would effectively remove a variety of productive habitats for Little Brown Myotis for decades or longer 4 KEY WILDLIFE CONSIDERATIONS Wildlife of Conservation Concern (Little Brown Myotis): • difficult to make an accurate assessment of cumulative effects on Little Brown Myotis and supporting habitats without sufficient data • in project footprint are habitat complexes with mature forest along some of the small drainages which have pools of slow-flowing open water that may be suitable foraging habitat for Little Brown Myotis • even within areas mapped as moderate and low for Little Brown Myotis Habitat Suitability, e.g. bat survey stations A7 and A10, there are significant numbers of bat passes for the Little Brown Myotis/Long-legged Myotis group (CIAR 44, First Addendum

Document Grassy Mountain Coal Project - Document List for the Public Hearing (Note: Updated March 12, 2021)

  • Project Grassy Mountain Coal Project
  • Document Category: Hearing Documents
  • Reference Number: 631
  • Updated: 2020-10-22
  • Document: 136418E.pdf
  • Relevance: 71551.48
  • Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- 265 September 25, 2019 From John Zolis to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- id/25115 266 September 28, 2019 From Vern Emard to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- id/24948 267 September 30, 2019 From David McIntyre to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project.
  • Mountain Coal Project - Extension Request https://iaac- 277 October 21, 2019 From the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- id/24906 278 October 24, 2019 From the Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy Mountain Group; and Shirley Kirby to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- id/24898 279 October 24, 2019 From Vern Emard to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- id/24894 280 October 24, 2019 From Rae Redekopp to the Joint Review Panel re: Comments on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac-
  • Mountain Coal Project 386 June 29, 2020 From the Joint Review Panel to the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass re: Participation at the public hearing for the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- 387 June 29, 2020 From the Joint Review Panel to the Livingstone Landowners Group re: Participation at the public hearing for the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- 388 June 29, 2020 From the Joint Review Panel to Ackroyd LLP on behalf of the Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy Mountain Group re: Participation at the public hearing for the Grassy Mountain Coal Project https://iaac- 389 June 29, 2020 From the Joint Review Panel Secretariat to the distribution list for the environmental assessment re: Update regarding the Grassy Mountain Coal Project - Notice of Hearing https://iaac

Document From the Joint Review Panel to Hearing Participants re: Revised time allocations to hearing participants for the Grassy Mountain Coal Project public hearing - November 4, 2020 (revised on November 24, 2020)

  • Project Grassy Mountain Coal Project
  • Document Category: Hearing Documents
  • Reference Number: 781
  • Updated: 2020-11-04
  • Document: 136609E.pdf
  • Relevance: 71453.58
  • Grassy Mountain Coal Project Joint Review Panel c/o Impact Assessment Agency of Canada – 160 Elgin Street, 22nd floor, Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 Email: APPENDIX A: Decisions of the Joint Review Panel regarding time allocations to hearing participants for the Grassy Mountain Coal Project public hearing – Revised November 24, 2020 OPENING REMARKS FROM FULL PARTICIPANTS Hearing Participant Hearing Submissions (CIAR #) Time Requested Time approved by the Panel Benga 503, 571, 587 30 minutes 30 minutes Stoney Nakoda Nations 570, 622 None requested 15 minutes Métis Nation of Alberta Region 3 556, 611 15 minutes 15 minutes Ktunaxa Nation Council 564, 579 10 minutes 10 minutes Shuswap Indian Band 543 None requested 15 minutes Municipality of Crowsnest Pass 545, 609 15 minutes 15 minutes Government of Canada (5 federal departments) 542, 607 55 minutes 55 minutes Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy
  • See Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy Mountain Group Suncured Alfalfa Cubes Inc.
  • See Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy Mountain Group Vern Emard See Coalition of Alberta Wilderness Association and Grassy Mountain Group

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