Solar Microgrid for Bayside Travel Centre

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Document Notice of Determination

  • Project Solar Microgrid for Bayside Travel Centre
  • Document Category: Additional Information
  • Reference Number: 2
  • Updated: 2023-03-24
  • Document: 147085E.html
  • Relevance: 347.41
  • Notice of Determination March 24, 2023 – Infrastructure Canada and Indigenous Services Canada have determined that the proposed Solar Microgrid for Bayside Travel Centre Project (the Project) is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.   This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors: impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples; relevant potential environmental ...
1 alternate format found
French HTML
  • Relevance: 296.41
  • Avis de détermination Le 24 mars, 2023 - Infrastructure Canada et Services aux Autochtones Canada ont déterminé que le Projet proposé de Microréseau solaire pour le Bayside Travel Centre (le projet) n'est pas susceptible de causer ou entraîner des effets négatifs importants sur l'environnement.   Cette détermination a était fondée sur l'examen des facteurs ...

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