Participant Funding Program – Regular Funding Envelope
Funding Review Committee's Report

Little Bow Reservoir Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project
Allocation of Regular Funding for Participation in the Environmental Assessment Process

The Participant Funding Program (PFP) was established pursuant to subsection 58(1.1) of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (the Act), which states: For the purposes of this Act, the Minister shall establish a participant funding program to facilitate the participation of the public in comprehensive studies, mediations and assessments by review panels.

A funding review committee (FRC), independent of the environmental assessment (EA) of the Little Bow Reservoir Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project (the Project) being conducted by means of a comprehensive study, was established to assess the funding applications received under the Regular Funding Envelope (RFE) for the Project and recommend funding allocations to the applicants. A total of $15,000 was made available by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) to enable applicants to participate in the EA process, including participation in meetings with the federal government regarding the EA; reviewing and providing comments on the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); and reviewing and providing comments on the comprehensive study report (CSR).

On September 8, 2010, the FRC met to review the application. The FRC members were Mr. Bruce Young, retired former Director of panel Management at the Agency as Committee Chairperson, and Mr. Jeff Gilmour, Research Associate at the University of Calgary.


Alberta Transportation is implementing the Carseland-Bow River Headworks System Rehabilitation Project, which involves upgrading and rehabilitating the canals and the three major reservoirs in the area. The upgrades to the Travers and Little Bow Reservoirs will include works, such as several instream activities for construction of cofferdams and dykes, enlargement of the Travers-Little Bow connecting canal, and placement of riprap and bedding materials on the existing upstream slopes of the Little Bow Reservoir. Both reservoirs will be drawn down below normal operating levels in order to complete the works.

The works will allow the Travers and Little Bow Reservoirs to operate in tandem with a full supply level of 856.18 metres. This work will increase the surface area of the Little Bow Reservoir by 2.7 square kilometres. The Little Bow Reservoir will fluctuate approximately 2.13 metres annually.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada posted a notice of commencement on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry Internet site on August 5, 2009 and is the sole responsible authority. The scope, referenced below, will be reviewed and amended, as required, to align with the January 21, 2010 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Mining Watch Canada vs. Canada. The current scope outlined on the notice of commencement is:

 "The scope of the project includes all activities associated with the draw down of the Little Bow Reservoir. This also includes associated approaches and related works, accesses, storage areas or other undertakings directly associated with the project construction and compensation works."

This project is not subject to the Major Resource Projects Initiative.


Under the RFE of the PFP, funding may be provided to applicants to support their input to an EA. These activities must be linked to the EA of a proposed project through a comprehensive study, mediation or review panel. To be eligible for funding, applicants must demonstrate that they meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Have a direct, local interest in the Project, such as a residence in the area or historical or cultural ties to the area likely to be affected by the Project;
  • Have community knowledge or Aboriginal traditional knowledge relevant to the environmental assessment; or
  • Have expert information relevant to the anticipated environmental effects of the Project.

Under the PFP-RFE, applicants can request funding for expenditures related to:

  • Professional fees;
  • Staff salaries and benefits;
  • Travel expenses;
  • Administration and reporting;
  • Other expenses related to local collection and distribution of information;
  • Office supplies and telephone charges;
  • Rental of office space and meeting rooms;
  • Legal fees;
  • General media and advertising and promotion;
  • Purchase of information materiel; and
  • Other detailed expenses, with supporting information.

Rationale for Allocation

One application submitted by the Métis Nation of Alberta Association Region 3 requesting a total of $4,000, was reviewed by the FRC.

The FRC supported funding those activities related directly to the review of the draft and final EIS as well as the CSR, as well as the gathering of Aboriginal traditional knowledge relevant to the EA.

The FRC would like to encourage the Métis Nation of Alberta Association (MNAA) Region 3 to focus the resources being provided on the gathering of Aboriginal traditional knowledge from their community members; on the gathering and dissemination of information on species at risk, which might be impacted by this proposed project; as well as on the review of and comment on the draft and final EIS and CSR for this project.

The FRC recommends that the MNAA Region 3 consider transferring some of the administrative funds requested to professional fees in order to ensure that the MNAA Region 3 have the resources to provide meaningful and relevant information, including traditional knowledge related to the draft and final EIS and CSR.


The FRC recommends that the MNAA Region 3 be awarded $4,000 in funding.


Participant Funding Program Funding Review Committee Regular Funding Envelope

Little Bow Reservoir Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project



Bruce Young, Former Director of Panel Management, acting Committee Chairperson


Jeffrey G. Gilmour, Research Associate, University of Calgary


Recommended Participant Funding Awards
Regular Funding Envelope
Little Bow Reservoir Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project


Applicant Funding Review Committee's Recommended Awards
Métis Nation of Alberta Association Region 3 $4,000
Total $4,000

Document reference number: 4

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