Public Comment Period on Intent to Make a Determination
Early Works of the Office Building Construction – Canadian Forces Support Unit Ottawa – Uplands

July 31, 2024 — The Department of National Defence must decide whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this decision, the Department of National Defence is inviting comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by August 20, 2024 to:
Frank Caruso, Senior Project Manager
Mailing Address:  101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa
Ontario, Canada, K1A 0K2

The Proposed Project

The Department of National Defence (DND) has proposed an Early Works package in support of the Office Building Construction – Canadian Forces Support Unit Ottawa – Uplands site project. The Early Works package of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) project, includes the following:

Hydro Ottawa Overhead Line Work

There are currently power lines on the property which need to be relocated by Hydro Ottawa. The scope of work comprises the design and installation of new overhead and underground lines to isolate out existing overhead lines and then carryout removal of existing lines impacting the proposed future building site.

Procurement of permanent Hydro Ottawa Utility Transformer

It is estimated that the Hydro Ottawa primary transformer will take between 52-70 weeks to procure. Early procurement of this equipment is required to ensure availability for installation as needed to support the construction schedule for the proposed future building.

Investigation, Abatement & Demolition of existing abandoned underground services

The site contains existing abandoned underground services such as steam lines, storm water, water main & sanitary lines. The existing services run through the area of the proposed new building. The work includes removal these services to support the future building construction. Locates will be performed to confirm the location of the services in conjunction with the topographic survey. The abandoned lines will be investigated by means of localized excavation properly protected with temporary construction fencing and signage. Once exposed, environmental sampling and testing of materials will be conducted. The excavated areas for exploratory works will be backfilled upon completion of sample extraction. An environmental abatement plan will be prepared if required, based on the test results. All required abatement will be conducted by specialist contractor and will safely remove and dispose of the materials in accordance with applicable regulations. Any remaining services not requiring abatement will be removed and capped at the property line. It is intended to perform this work in the fall of 2024.

Site Mobilization

The construction team will perform site mobilization to support the early works project. The site will be protected with a temporary 2.4m (8 ft.) high chain link fence supported with t-posts and will include privacy screening around the perimeter of the construction site. The fence will have a gated entry which is lockable and will have proper signage. Health and Safety Workplace signage will be posted around the perimeter fencing site per applicable regulations. Multiple site trailers will be used on site to support the project including a construction site trailer, a sub-trade trailer and a meeting trailer. The site will also include a temporary washroom facility (porta potti) for all workers on site. The site mobilization will also include for a temporary underground Hydro feed to provide electricity to the site trailers. This work will be performed by Hydro Ottawa and while they are installing the temporary underground service, a generator will be placed and utilized to support the first few weeks of work on site.

Tree Removal and Compensation

Tree Protection Pan

Fencing consistent with City of Ottawa / National Capital Commission details, will be in place beyond the Critical Root Zone prior to any / all Site Activity for all trees remaining and not designated to be removed. The Fencing will remain in place and be inspected regularly for the duration of early works and construction.


Tree Removal and Compensation Plan

There will be tree removals work carried out for the site to accommodate the project work. Currently there are 22 existing trees identified and proposed to be removed from the site and 49 trees are proposed to be added to the landscape area. Tree removal work is proposed to start this Fall 2024 considering the bird migratory period between April and August. Tree compensation will be carried out later, tentatively in Fall 2027 after exterior civil works such as parking tree islands etc. is completed. A Bird Nesting Survey (BNS) will be undertaken prior to tree removal work to ensure that the proposed work will not impact pileated woodpecker nests. Should any nests be found, then appropriate mitigations will be implemented such as establishment of setback/buffer zone distances if required and/or protection identified nesting sites as established by departmental environmental officer.

In addition to the Department of National Defence as the project proponent and land custodian, the National Capital Commission also has a trigger to make a section 82 determination under the Impact Assessment Act for the early works component of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System project stemming from the issuance of federal approvals under the National Capital Act to enable it to proceed.

The early works package of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System project is anticipated to be carried out, commencing in the fall of 2024 with anticipated completion by the end of March 2025.

Document reference number: 2

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