Public Notice

OS-7254 Authorization to Construct and Operate a Surface Lease for an access road and a multi-well pad – Public Comments Invited

June 18, 2024 – Indian Oil and Gas Canada must determine whether the proposed OS-7254 Authorization to Construct and Operate a Surface Lease for an access road and a multi-well pad, located in Kehewin Cree Nation reserve lands is likely to cause potential adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Indian Oil and Gas Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by July 18, 2024 to:

Sabinus Okafor

Environmental Analyst

Indian Oil and Gas Canada

9911 Chiila Boulevard Suite 100

Tsuut'ina AB  T3T 0E1



The Proposed Project

A surface lease consisting of a 63.52 m long access road and 3.62 ha area for drilling and operating a multi-well pad will be constructed and maintained for the operating life of the wells, then decommissioned and reclaimed before the lease agreement is surrendered. The project is located in Kehewin First Nation and is being proposed by Kihew Resources Inc. (Kihew).

The proposed pad site has been situated near an existing all-weather access road in order to reduce the length of new access road as well as to reduce fragmentation in the general project area. Kihew has consulted with and conducted an on-site review of the proposed project with appropriate representatives of Kehewin Cree Nation to identify and subsequently avoid ecologically, culturally, and historically sensitive areas. No areas or issues of concern were noted at the time of site visit, nor at the time of resident/occupant consultations.

Kihew plans to drill one test well, and once proven, will return to drill the additional wells at a later date.

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