The Department of National Defence must determine whether the proposed Defence Research and Development Canada
Chemical and Biological Laboratories Facility, located in CFB Suffield, Alberta, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, the Department of National Defence is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by 29 April 2024 to:

Establishment Point of Contact:
Name, Position: Corey Davidson, Chief Environment Health and Safety
E-mail Address:
Mailing address: CFB Suffield, Box 4000 Station Main, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8K6
Telephone number: 403-544-4663

Project Description:
The proposed Project will involve the construction of DRDC Chemical and Biological
Laboratories and associated infrastructure at CFB Suffield. The new facility will house
biology labs with a containment level of 2 or higher, chemistry labs for high risk agents,
main office and supporting administration space, and access roads, sidewalks, storage
and parking spaces, administration, and other supporting areas. The new building is
anticipated to be a minimum of three stories high, including a basement level, and will
be constructed of mainly reinforced concrete and structural steel. The footprint of the
new building is approximated at 3,000 m2 and is located on a previously altered site (i.e., 
tame grass), located south of the Suffield airfield at CFB Suffield.
The Project will involve the following Project components:
• Mobilization and demobilization of Project personnel, equipment, and materials,
construction of temporary laydown area(s), and restoration/reclamation of land
use upon completion of construction;
• Construction of the DRDC Chemical and Biological Laboratory Facility and
associated infrastructure (i.e., access roads, sidewalks, utilities, storage, parking
lots, etc.);
• Operation and maintenance of the DRDC Chemical and Biological Laboratory
Facility and associated infrastructure throughout the duration of the Project; and,
• Accidents, malfunctions, and unplanned events throughout the duration of the
DND is responsible for managing lands in a sustainable manner, and therefore, the
Project must demonstrate that sustainable environmental protection and mitigation
measures are provided and implemented throughout all of the Project components.

Document reference number: 1

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