Mitigation measures

• Before the work, demarcate the work area and have the location of the storage areas approved by the Ministerial Representative;
• Limit to a minimum the number and surface area dedicated to storage areas in order to restrict encroachment into the natural environment;
• Work on a membrane to facilitate the segregation of materials and recover any debris from cutting work;
• At the end of the work, return the sectors that will be used for the work and the storage areas to their initial state;
• Any residual material produced during the work must be collected and disposed of according to its nature. The contractor must ensure not to leave debris on the work site;
• Recover or recycle residual materials when possible. Waste to be disposed of off-site will be transported to a location authorized by the MELCCFP.
• Avoid carrying out dismantling and construction work during the nesting period, between late April and mid-August;
• Avoid running engines when the equipment is not used for work;
• Avoid the circulation of motorized vehicles near the banks and ACOAs;
• Minimize time spent flying over coastal areas and surrounding islands;
• Optimize helicopter travel to minimize the number of return trips between the site and the refueling point.

• Inspect machinery and equipment before entering the site to detect hydrocarbon leaks;
• Maintain vehicles and equipment in good condition and regularly service them. Immediately repair or remove from the site and replace leaking vehicles or equipment;
• Do not leave any gasoline-powered vehicle, machinery or equipment within 20 m of watercourses outside of working hours or during prolonged site closures, unless confined in a waterproof enclosure. If this is not possible, soil protection measures must be installed under the equipment or machinery throughout the aforementioned period (e.g.: containment tank having a volume equivalent to at least 110% of the volume of the fuel tank of equipment or machinery);
• Provide in the various areas emergency kits for the recovery of hydrocarbons in sufficient quantities (containment bags, absorbent rolls, granular absorbents, leak stoppers, waterproof containers, etc.) and a category fire extinguisher that complies with the standards in force. force to manage any spill, environmental incident or fire. Ensure that there are also suitable kits in the trucks used on the site. Ensure that workers are adequately trained to be able to intervene quickly in the event of a leak or spill and that they are informed of the location of the kits;
• Prepare an emergency procedure with an alert plan and a communication plan in the event of a spill, environmental incident or fire. This procedure must include, but not be limited to, the measures planned to plug leaks, confine the spilled products in order to limit their extent and prevent them from reaching sensitive areas, recover the contaminants at the source, decontaminate the affected areas and dispose of contaminated material in accordance with applicable laws, policies and regulations. The rehabilitation of affected areas must be undertaken without delay, and all stages must be documented in an event report;
• All personnel on the work site must be fully trained in emergency response procedures in the event of a spill, methods and use of relevant equipment and materials;
• In the event of an environmental incident, notify the site supervisor, the National Environmental Emergencies Center of Environment and Climate Change Canada (1-866-283-2333) and Urgence-Environnement du Québec (1-866-694-5454 );
• Carry out refueling, parking of machinery and storage of petroleum products on an impermeable surface and in a confined area, under constant surveillance at a distance of 20 m from a humid or watery environment (shore, coast, etc.). flood zones). If this distance cannot be respected, the contractor must install an adequate secondary containment system to contain a potential spill;
• Immediately clean up leaks and spills that occur during refueling and properly dispose of contaminated materials;
• Perform cleaning, maintenance and repair of machinery, equipment and tools off-site. If it is necessary to do it on site, cleaning must be done in a place dedicated to this activity (washing/cleaning area) located at least 20 m from any body of water;
• Use a hydraulic system with vegetable or synthetic oil that is at least 60% biodegradable within 28 days for all machinery that works in an aquatic environment. Provide the technical specifications of the type of lubricant to the site supervisor before the start of work;
• Limit the circulation of machinery and the storage of materials to circulation, work and storage areas that will be previously defined.

Document reference number: 3

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