Public Notice

N'Quatqua Multi-Use Facility Project – Public Comments Invited

May 5, 2020 - Infrastructure Canada must determine whether the proposed N'Quatqua Multi-Use Facility Project, located on  N'Quatqua First Nation lands, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Infrastructure Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website (

Written comments must be submitted by June 4, 2020 to:

Davin St. Pierre, Senior Environmental Review and Approvals Officer, Infrastructure Canada,, (613) 298-7414

The Proposed Project

The N'Quatqua First Nation (the Proponent) is proposing to construct a 1,297 square metre (m2) multi-use facility entirely on previously developed N'Quatqua First Nation Indian Reserve Lands (Nequatque No. 1). The N'Quatqua Multi-Use Facility Project (the Project) would provide cultural, recreational, wellness, and community infrastructure to serve the N'Quatqua First Nation and nearby communities. The facility would be located on the site of the current community hall and administration building, which will be demolished as part of the Project. The new building will feature a community hall/gymnasium, offices, a fitness centre, bathroom facilities, a cultural chamber, cultural reception areas, and utility/service spaces, as well as a parking lot and an outdoor cultural gathering space. The building would be constructed to exceed performance requirements of the National Energy Code of Canada and would incorporate green technology and sustainable building practices.

The proposed project would include the following components:

  • Demolition of existing community centre and band office;
  • Site preparation works;
  • Design and construction of new multi-use facility including installation of mechanical, plumbing, septic, and electrical utilities; and
  • Completion of exterior features including cultural gathering space, landscaping, and parking lot.

Document reference number: 1

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