Naicatchewenin First Nation - Lot Servicing Project for Future Houses
Notice of Determination
November 28, 2023 - Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed 20-Lot Servicing Project at Naicatchewenin First Nation is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.
The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:
- Community knowledge; and
- Mitigation measures to address potential impacts resulting from construction activities.
Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:
- Erosion and Sediment Controls will be implemented to reduce and control soil erosion and sedimentation runoff to adjacent water body. Standard duty silt fencing and/or equivalent erosion and sediment controls will be installed around the perimeter of the work area where disturbed soils or loose fill materials may impact waterbodies. Erosion and sediment control measures will be monitored regularly;
- Pollution Control measures will be implemented to reduce and control contamination to soil and groundwater associated with maintenance and re-fueling of equipment, storage of hazardous materials, sampling of ponded water prior to dewatering (if applicable) and testing imported soils, fill or aggregates prior to backfilling;
- Dust Control Measures will be implemented to control air quality. Where practical, idling of on-site vehicles will be discouraged. Vehicles will be covered when soil or aggregates are transported. Exposed soils will be covered or wetted down;
- Noise Control Measures including the use of noise muffled devices and restricting construction work to regular working hours, will be implemented to reduce and control temporary construction noise disturbances to receptors near the construction site;
- Vegetation Clearing will be completed outside of Migratory Bird nesting season (i.e., April 15 to September 30). Revegetation of cleared/ exposed soil will be done using native trees, shrubs or grasses;
- Project activities will comply with provincial and federal Occupational Health and Safety requirements, including the use of PPE at all times. Warning signs will be placed at the entrance to the construction site and unauthorized entry to the construction site by the public will be prevented by a perimeter fence and locked gate;
- Best Management Practices will be implemented to address and respond to potential environment effects on Archeological/Cultural resources. If any human remains are discovered during project activities, all work in the location concerned must be halted immediately and the appropriate local authority must be notified immediately. Work shall not resume at that location until measures for the protection of those remains have been put in place, including measures determined appropriate by the community.
Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.
Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.
Document reference number: 3