November 24, 2023 Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed Water Treatment Plant Upgrades is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Indigenous knowledge;
  • community knowledge; and
  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:

  • Air Quality Measures include the contractor to ensure that construction equipment is maintained for efficient combustion and that vehicle idling is kept to a minimum. The generator supplier will adhere to Ontario Regulation 419/05 with regards to air pollution and emissions. Unnecessary engine idling will be kept to a minimum onsite during the construction works. The contractor will ensure that ground watering is conducted to minimize dust if conditions create a nuisance to residents during construction works; 
  • Noise Control Measures inslude equipment mufflers to be maintained in proper working condition. Works to occur between 7 am and 9 pm unless approval is obtain from the community for specific tasks. Neighboring residents to be informed of construction schedule. The contractor will consider the outdoor noise level limits in the Ontario Environmental Noise Guideline - NPC 300, and consider noise control measures for the heavy equipment used; 
  • Impacts to bird and wildlife habitat from tree clearing will be mitigated through sensitive wildlife habitats not being disturbed during construction. Areas to be cleared for development will be clearly marked to avoid unnecessary clearing. Any bird or wildlife species, eggs and habitat areas will not be intentionally disturbed or destroyed and will be reported to the site engineer, ECCC and MECP for solutions. Works to occur during daylight hours only. The contractor will keep the construction site free of garbage and food scraps that could attract animals to the site. Vegetation clearing works will not occur without a site inspection and review during the spring and summer reptile and bird mating/nesting season. Silt fencing will be placed around the WTP construction site which will reduce siltation into the surround lake and also act to deter reptiles from wondering onto the construction site. If discovered, bird nests should not be disturbed and a buffer zone established unless works are outside of the migratory bird nesting season and the nest is abandoned. If an active nest is discovered, or if a SAR is discovered, works in the area will temporarily cease until the bird species is identified, and ECCC and Ontario MECP contacted for guidance. Wildlife species potentially on the construction site would be protected under the Species at Risk Act and the Ontario Endangered Species Act, 2007. Migratory birds will be protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994;
  • Health and safety concerns will be addressed through utilization of a safety program which will include restricted site access, regular safety meetings, safety training for onsite personnel, an onsite safety coordinator, a certified first aid/CPR representative and the use of personal protective equipment for everyone on the construction site. Onsite hazardous conditions and materials will be identified to all employees and site visitors. An emergency plan will be in place by the construction contractor for the construction sites, which addresses accidents/incidents, evacuation procedures and reporting. Warning signs and safety fencing will be used around the construction site and excavations. Piping excavations in the community will be backfilled before the end of the work days or fenced off if left open;
  • To minimize impacts fish and fish habitat divers will be instructedto install the new fish screen outside of spring and summer fish spawning periods. The contractor will utilize erosion control silt fencing around areas of ground disturbance to reduce siltation in the lake. The contractor will have an emergency spill containment kit onsite for both on land and in-water spills of hazardous materials. Any boats used in the water will be properly cleaned prior to placing in the water, to eliminate the possibility of invasive species spread;
  • To minimiza interruption of water and sewer service in the community the works will be phased so that there should not be any significant interruptions of water or sewer service. Residents will be informed of any temporary loss of service during connections;
  • Erosion and Sediment Controls resulting from earthworks will be implemented to reduce and control soil erosion and sedimentation runoff to adjacent water body. Silt fencing will be utilized between the excavation areas and the shoreline or drainage ditches to limit siltation into the lake. The disturbed ground areas will be re-seeded with grass upon completion of construction works. Silt fencing will not be removed until grass growth is established. The shoreline will not be impacted by heavy equipment for travel or construction works.;
  • Pollution Control measures will be implemented to reduce and control contamination to soil, neigbouring waterbodies, and groundwater associated with maintenance and re-fueling of equipment, storage of hazardous materials, sampling of ponded water prior to dewatering (if applicable) and testing imported soils, fill or aggregates prior to backfilling. Construction equipment will be well maintained. A spill clean-up kit will be present at the construction yard to contain liquid spills. The Ontario spills reporting unit (1-800-268-6060) will be contacted in the event of a chemical spill or leak. In the event of a spill, efforts should be made to clean up the spill as soon as possible in a safe manner and haul the contaminated soils to a designated location away from nearby water bodies. Fuel storage tanks and used oil containers will be double-walled and will be stored in designated areas with spill protection. If fuel storage tanks are placed at the site they will be installed in accordance with the CEPA Storage Tank Regulations, protected from damage and inspected regularly;
  • Best Management Practices will be implemented to address and respond to potential environment effects on Archeological/Cultural resources. If any historic or cultural artifacts are uncovered during the earthworks, work would temporarily stop in those areas while an investigation occurs with First Nation and potentially provincial authorities (if needed). If any human remains are uncovered, the RCMP would be contacted immediately;
  • Potential impacts to human health from potable water quality will be mitigated through the water quality from the WTP will meet all federal and provincial water quality guidelines. Treated water will be tested regularly for parameters in the water quality guidelines. The WTP operators will be trained by the supplier to operate the equipment properly and the federal circuit rider program will be utilized for continual guidance during the WTP operation. There are no negative residual impacts expected to the environment or the community. The construction mitigation measures will be monitored by the construction administrator. Water quality will be monitored by the WTP operators.

Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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