Notice of Determination - Partial dismantling of the installations of P&H Milling Group located at 380 Oak Street and 361 Bridge Street, Montreal (Port of Montréal)


August 25th, 2023 – The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) has determined that the proposed project Partial dismantling of the installations of P&H Milling Group is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects


This determination was based on the following factors:

  • Archaeological, indigenous and historical heritage
  • Community knowledge;
  • Comments received from the public; and;
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.


Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:


Noise management

  • Carry out demolition work in winter, outside peak use periods at Lachine Canal Park;
  • Equip noisy equipment with mufflers or a functional anti-noise device at all times;
  • Turn off all machinery and/or equipment when not in use;
  • Encourage the use of low-noise/vibration equipment.


Air quality

  • Spray water on dusty surfaces to prevent dust from being created. Two fire hydrants on the site will be used, enabling the contractor to always maintain this dust abatement system during the work. Dust suppression will also be applied to road surfaces as required;
  • Piles of fine materials will be covered to limit erosion by wind or surface runoff;
  • Dump trucks transporting materials containing fine particles will be fitted with waterproof tarps;
  • Respect speed limits established on site (10 km/h).


Water quality

  • Drain and pump water to keep excavations and site dry;
  • Runoff water will be pumped, stored, tested, and disposed of in accordance with regulations.
  • Any incidental discovery of unknown or potentially contaminated water will be characterized prior to treatment, if required, and disposed by the Contractor.
  • The limits of access roads and the work area will be identified in such a way as to protect sensitive environments (riparian strip).
  • Access roads will be kept free of ice and snow. Used snow must be disposed of in an authorized site accordance with regulations.



  • A traffic signaller will be responsible for ensuring road safety at site entrances and exits.
  • Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel only;


Soil quality

  • Store any potentially contaminated material on impermeable areas and cover it to prevent erosion of particles by wind or surface runoff.


Residual materials management

  • The Contractor must keep the site clean and progressively collect unused residues and materials, encouraging their recovery and recycling as much as possible.
  • The accumulation of solid waste on the site will be avoided. Residual materials will be accumulated in appropriate containers and frequently evacuated to a disposal site authorized by the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP). Solid waste and dry materials will be managed in accordance with the Règlement sur l'enfouissement et l'incinération de matières résiduelles.
  • During construction, the site will be cleaned daily and left clean at the end of each workday.
  • At the end of the work, the site will be cleaned of unused materials, residual materials, waste and debris.


Hazardous materials management

  • Machinery and equipment will be inspected beforehand and then to ensure that they are in good condition, cleaned and freed of oil leaks or other contaminants.
  • Hydraulic systems using biodegradable vegetable oil (e.g. Cat Bio HYDO Advanced) will be preferred for machinery and equipment.
  • Leaking vehicles or equipment must be repaired immediately or removed from the site.
  • Maintenance, refuelling and cleaning of machinery and equipment containing petroleum products must be carried outside of the site, where there is no risk of contamination of soil, groundwater or surface water.
  • The contractor must at all times keep a sufficient number of emergency spill kits on site. The kits must include enough absorbent rolls to prevent runoff into the rainwater system and/or to enable petroleum products to be contained within the machinery perimeter.
  • Hazardous residual materials will be confined in identified watertight containers, then transported to a temporary, secure storage area located on site, before being disposed of at a MELCCFP authorized disposal site; all in compliance with the terms of the Règlement sur les matières dangereuses.


Vegetation and riparian strip

  • The boundaries of access roads and the work area must be clearly identified to protect sensitive areas (riparian strip), preserve vegetation cover and prevent drainage or discharge into sensitive areas.
  • No trees are to be cut during the work. Deforestation is prohibited.
  • Ensure that machinery is clean and free of invasive species and noxious weeds when it arrives on site and maintain it in this condition thereafter.


Archaeological, indigenous and historical heritage

  • Provide a protection plan that defines the procedures to be followed for the protection of historical, archaeological, and cultural resources of known existence on the site, and that defines the procedures to be observed in the event of the fortuitous discovery of such elements, on the site or in the nearby area, during construction.
  • An archaeologist will monitor any work likely to damage elements of heritage interest. Where necessary, work will be halted by the archaeologist to allow analysis of the situation and determination of subsequent steps.
  • In the event that an archaeological, indigenous or historical vestige of interest is discovered, the contractor must suspend work in the immediate area of the discovery and notify the Supervisor, who will take the necessary measures, with the appropriate authorities, to protect and conserve the said archaeological vestige of interest. An archaeologist will be called on the site to assess the situation. Work may continue in another area.


Therefore, the MPA may perform any duty or function to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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