Public Notice

Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador

Public Comments Invited on the Follow-up Program Report for 2022-2023

What is happening?

June 21, 2023 — The Government of Canada has proceeded with the implementation of a follow-up program for the Regional Assessment (RA) of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador, which tracks and reports on the progress of the commitments outlined in the Ministerial Response to the Regional Assessment Committee's Report.

As per the Terms of Reference established for the RA Follow-up Program, the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the Follow-up Program Report for 2022-2023. Comments received will be used to improve the report.

How can I participate?

Comments should be submitted online by visiting the project home page on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (the Registry) (reference number 80156). The Follow-up Program Report for 2022-2023 is also available on the Registry. Participants who wish to provide their input in a different format can contact the Agency by writing to

Submit comments online in either official language by 11:59 p.m. on July 21, 2023. All comments received will be published online as part of the project file.

What are the next steps?

Following the public comment period, the Follow-up Program Report for 2022-2023, including changes made to address the input received, will be shared with the federal and provincial departments that are signatories to the Regional Assessment Agreement for their approval. It will then be posted on the Registry.

Stay updated by following the Agency on Twitter: @IAAC_AEIC #NLOffshoreAssessment

What is the Regional Assessment?

The Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador was completed in February 2020. The assessment sought to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the assessment process for offshore exploratory drilling projects in the study area while at the same time ensuring that the highest standards of environmental protection continue to be applied and maintained. In response to the recommendations in the Regional Assessment Final Report, the Government of Canada is proceeding with the development and implementation of a RA Follow-up Program, which will track and report on the effectiveness of the government's commitments.

For media inquiries, contact the Agency's media relations team by writing to, or by calling 343-549-3870.

Document reference number: 279

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