News Release

Government of Canada Approves Lynn Lake Gold Project

March 6, 2023 — Ottawa — Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

Today the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, announced that the environmental mitigation measures proposed for the Lynn Lake Gold Project in Manitoba provide a sustainable path forward for the project to proceed informed by the conclusions in the Environmental Assessment Report of the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

The proposed open-pit gold mine and new metal mill located near the Town of Lynn Lake, about 1000 kilometres north of Winnipeg, was subject to a robust federal review based on scientific evidence and Indigenous knowledge. Alamos Gold Inc. (the proponent) will redevelop two previously operational mines in the area: the Gordon and MacLellan sites. Once up and running, the mine is expected to operate for 13 years, supporting much needed economic development for the town and the region. According to figures provided by the proponent, the project will create up to 406 jobs during construction and 412 during its operation.

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring proposals like the Lynn Lake Gold Project move forward in a way that is sustainable and protects the environment. As a result, the Decision Statement issued today by the Minister establishes 177 conditions the proponent must comply with throughout the life of the project. These conditions include measures to protect the health and socio-economic conditions of Indigenous Peoples, their traditional and cultural practices, woodland caribou (boreal population), migratory birds, fish and fish habitat, the atmospheric environment, and water quality and quantity.

For example, the proponent must take certain precautions in order to protect the population of woodland caribou and its habitat. Alamos Gold Inc. must conduct site-clearing activities for the project outside of the species' calving and calf-rearing period. It must avoid the destruction or alteration of woodland caribou habitat, and also participate in habitat restoration initiatives, including a collaring program, led by Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development as part of its Provincial Caribou Recovery Strategy.

Alamos Gold Inc. will also be responsible for developing and implementing a follow-up program to verify the effectiveness of all the project's mitigation measures as they relate to the habitat, health and survival of the woodland caribou.

Indigenous groups participated in the environmental assessment and provided their perspectives, expertise, and knowledge regarding the potential effects of the project.

The Government of Canada would like to thank all participants for their invaluable comments received throughout the environmental assessment process, as well as all the robust scientific advice received from various experts and the knowledge and input received from Indigenous groups regarding potential effects to Indigenous Peoples and Aboriginal or treaty rights. The proponent can now move forward with obtaining any necessary authorizations and permits from federal departments.


"The Government of Canada is committed to protecting the environment for future generations while supporting economic development and job opportunities in Canada's Northern Region. My decision to approve the Lynn Lake Gold Project was informed by a thorough federal environmental assessment based on scientific evidence and Indigenous knowledge. I am confident the strong legally-binding conditions established for the project will safeguard the environment and create a sustainable path forward."

     – The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change

"Canada is a mining nation. This important sector has provided livelihoods in regions right across the country, but particularly in rural, remote, and Indigenous communities. Today's decision is good news for workers in Manitoba and thanks to an efficient and effective federal environmental assessment, it is also good news for the protection of important habitats and biodiversity. The development of Canada's vast resources can, and must, be done in a manner that is science aligned and respects our environment."

     – The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources

Quick Facts

  • The Lynn Lake Gold Project is the fourth mining project that has been approved following the completion of a robust federal assessment process in the last year. The other mines are the James Bay Lithium Mine Project, the Marathon Palladium Project and the Valentine Gold Project.
  • The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada consulted with 13 Indigenous groups to understand their concerns and potential impacts of the project throughout the environmental assessment. Nearly $730,000 was made available to support the participation of Indigenous groups in the various steps of the review process.
  • Experts from the Government of Manitoba as well as many federal expert departments participated in the process by providing robust scientific advice and technical expertise throughout the project's review. These departments include Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Health Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, and Transport Canada.
  • The project will be subject to oversight throughout its lifecycle. The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada will enforce the conditions in the Minister's Decision Statement before and during construction, and over the course of all project operations. Failure by Alamos Gold Inc. to comply with these conditions is a violation of federal law. Any proposed changes to the project will need to be submitted to the Agency for consideration before being implemented.

Associated Links


Kaitlin Power
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Media Relations
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

Follow us on Twitter: @IAAC_AEIC #LynnLake

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Document reference number: 126

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