Public Notice

OS-6825 Authorization to Construct an access road and a Surface Lease Extension and Operate a Multi-well oil pad – Public Comments Invited

January 17, 2023 Indian Oil and Gas Canada must determine whether the proposed OS-6825 Authorization to Construct an access road and a Surface Lease Extension and Operate a Multi-well oil pad, located in Frog Lake First Nation is likely to cause potential adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Indian Oil and Gas Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by February 17, 2023 to:

Indian Oil and Gas Canada
Jilczy Nelson, Environmental Analyst
9911 Chiila Boulevard Suite 100 Tsuut'ina AB T3T 0E1
Calgary, Alberta T3T 0E1
Telephone: 403-292-5625

The Proposed Project

A surface lease consisting of a 155.7 m long access road and 2.36 ha area extension for drilling and operating a multi-well oil pad will be constructed and maintained for the operating life of the wells, then decommissioned and reclaimed before the lease agreement is surrendered.

The proposed wellsite extension has been located along the south boundary of the existing 16D-14-56-3W4M padsite, which had been constructed but not drilled at the time of the field assessment and application. The extension is situated adjacent an existing pipeline right-of-way to reduce fragmentation in the general project area. 

The proposed wellsite extension has been located so as to avoid most of the small wetlands areas in the immediate project area; due to the many small scattered wetlands, impact to on shrubby swamp wetland (class II temporary wetland) will occur as a result of extension construction. No fish bearing waterbodies will be impacted or are within 100m of the wellsite extension.

Document reference number: 1

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