Valued components potentially impacted by the project

Effective and established mitigation measure (technically and economically feasible)


Physical environment


Soil quality




  • Before the start of the work, the contractor must present to the supervisor the means and methods that he intends to implement to comply with the mitigation measures and the environmental requirements.
  • Provide for the establishment and application of an emergency plan in the event of an accidental spill of contaminants. Clearly identify the responsible persons and authorities as well as the procedure to follow in the event of an environmental emergency. Ensure that the response plan contains, at a minimum, an intervention scheme and an alert structure that are known to all employees.
  • Carry out an inspection of equipment and machinery before their introduction to the site and, in the event of a leak, immediately repair or exclude the machinery from the site.
  • Perform general maintenance and fueling of machinery at locations identified by the site supervisor.
  • Limit the quantities of hazardous materials on site to those required to carry out the work.
  • Provide well-identified watertight containers intended to receive petroleum products, if necessary.
  • Place containers containing hydrocarbons and other hazardous materials in a bin or between berms capable of collecting 110% of the stored reserves.
  • Use storage tanks for petroleum products that comply with the laws and regulations in force, depending on their type of use.
  • Carry out all handling of fuel, oil, other petroleum products or contaminants under constant supervision including the transfer in order to avoid accidental spills and to react promptly, if necessary.
  • Ensure that a hydrocarbon recovery kit is available at each work site and that each kit contains sorbent materials and all the equipment necessary to intervene in the event of a spill.
  • In the event of a spill, apply the emergency plan, notify ECCC and the MELCC, use protective and containment measures (absorbent berms, for example), quickly clean the area (if possible). Urgence Environnement Québec (1-866-694-5454) must be informed of any accident that could disrupt the environment, as must ECCC's National Center for Environmental Emergencies (1-866-283-2333). Telephone numbers should be posted in a visible location on the site
  • Store any potentially contaminated material on an impervious surface and cover it so as to avoid wind erosion or surface runoff of particles.
  • Manage the soil in accordance with the regulations in force on the site. Commercial zoning allows reuse of soils with contamination below CCME guidelines - Commercial use on site.
  • If soil showing signs of contamination (stain, smell, presence of debris, etc.) is encountered during excavation work, stop the work and immediately notify the site supervisor. In the presence of soils, sediments and surface or underground water contaminated beyond the criteria applicable to the site, these must be stored properly and/or managed in a site authorized to receive them under the applicable regulations, in particular the Intervention guide – PSRTC of the MELCC and the Regulation respecting the storage and transfer centers of contaminated soils.
  • Hazardous residual materials must be disposed of at a duly authorized site.
  • Ensure that there is no risk of loss of contaminated materials during transport off-site.
  • Keep the site free of waste or store it temporarily in sealed containers intended for such purpose.
  • Any residual materials produced during the work must be picked up and eliminated according to their nature. The contractor must ensure that no debris is left on the work site.
  • Recover or recycle residual materials when possible or transport them off site and dispose of them according to the regulations in force. Scrap managed off-site must be transported to a place authorized by the MELCC.
  • Confining the circulation of heavy machinery on preferred routes within the intervention zone.
  • Stabilize the soil in all areas of the site where there is a risk of erosion.
  • Avoid compacting the natural soil or causing it to harden.
  • Avoid creating ruts.
  • Restore vegetation to compacted areas to improve infiltration properties.
  • Quickly restore worksite areas.
  • The contractor must remove from the site all residual materials, hazardous residual materials, temporary installations, tools, equipment, machinery and materials found on the site in order to leave it perfectly clean.



Water quality




  • Refuel and maintain construction machinery and vehicles at a site designated for this purpose, located at least 20 m from the retention pond.
  • Park machinery and vehicles at least 20 m from the retention pond.
  • Avoid carrying out excavation work during heavy rains in order to prevent dispersion of water laden with sediment towards the drainage ditches or the retention pond.
  • If necessary to prevent the migration of water laden with sediment or other contaminants towards drainage or water retention structures, use sediment barriers, sediment traps, etc. in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • No water containing suspended solids beyond the applicable criteria must be discharged, pumped, directed or otherwise conveyed to the drainage, the stormsewer or the sanitary sewer network.
  • Avoid leaving soils bare and exposed to atmospheric elements.
  • Avoid any modification to the drainage that is not provided for in the project.
  • No debris should be thrown into drainage ditches or retention ponds; in the event of an accidental release of debris, recover it quickly and dispose of it at an authorized site.
  • Quickly restore worksite areas, including seeding, if necessary.
  • During the operation phase of water drainage, retention and settling structures, ensure adequate maintenance to avoid accumulations of water in unplanned places, soil erosion and transport of debris or important concentrations of suspended solids outside the property. If necessary, clean the structures, reseed it, clear weeds, pick up debris, etc.



Air quality




  • Ensure that the vehicles and equipment used are maintained in perfect working order (e.g. exhaust system).
  • Turn off the engines of construction machinery not in use as soon as possible.
  • Stabilize heavy traffic areas with clean gravel or other suitable protective material and limit the speed of vehicles to avoid raising dust.
  • If necessary, use a dust suppressant accepted by the MELCC (water or product that complies with the BNQ 2410-300 standard).
  • Avoid preparing a site or carrying out work on it during periods of strong winds or prolonged drought in order to protect it from wind erosion.
  • Stabilize stockpiled soils, construction materials and debris to prevent them from being blown away.
  • Cover and contain fine particles during transport to, on and off site.



Biological environment


Terrestrial vegetation




  • To prevent the introduction and spread of invasive plant species on CSA property, machinery must be cleaned before arriving on site to remove any material that could increase the risk of spreading invasive plant species (plant fragment, seed, etc.).
  • In order to prevent the spread of invasive species on CSA property, machinery (excavators, bulldozers, mower, etc.) must be cleaned when leaving areas affected by the presence of invasive plant species (mainly the common reed) so as to be cleared of any material that could increase the risk of spreading invasive plant species (plant fragment, seed, etc.).
  • In order to prevent the spread of invasive species on CSA property, excavated material transport equipment (trucks or other) must be cleaned when leaving the areas affected by the presence of invasive plant species in order to be free of any material that may increase the risk of spreading invasive plant species (plant fragment, seed, etc.), if they appear contaminated with such materials.
  • Avoid carrying out work during heavy rain or when the ground is wet, which increases the risk of soiling the equipment and makes it difficult to clean equipment that may contain EEE.
  • Mark off the work areas and ensure that no work is carried out outside them.
  • Minimize removal of topsoil.
  • Stabilize the soil in all areas of the site where there is a risk of erosion.
  • Preserve existing trees and shrubs.
  • Before the work, along with the supervisor, identify the trees and shrubs likely to be damaged during the work and take the necessary measures to protect them.
  • Branches at risk of damage should be pruned.
  • If tree clearing work is necessary, make sure to survey the vegetation colonizing the work areas to avoid cutting or affecting special-status species.
  • Avoid driving, dumping or storing materials on living vegetation.
  • Avoid circulating on foot or using machinery, do not backfill and do not store anything inside the drip line of trees.
  • Redevelop the areas altered by the work to encourage the natural regrowth of vegetation.
  • During the operation phase of the structures, maintain herbaceous plants to prevent the return of the common reed, for example, by mowing them regularly at the spoil management site.
  • During the operation phase of the structures, carry out maintenance of the seeded areas requiring mowing.







  • Delineate (using tape or other) the wetlands likely to be impacted by the work and take the necessary measures to avoid intervening in these sensitive environments.
  • Avoid any modification to the drainage and flow conditions of the site not provided for in the project.







  • If possible, carry out the work between September 1st and March 15 to avoid the nesting and rearing period for young birds. If this proves impossible, ensure that the work does not have the effect of causing the disturbance or destruction of migratory bird nests. If necessary, hire a biologist.
  • Minimize the cutting of trees, if necessary, and the alteration of identified ecological units.



Human Environment


Site use

  • During construction work, install adequate signage to ensure the safety of the public and users of the CSA site, in particular the CPE La Voie lactée.
  • Ensure strict control of access to the site in order to ensure the safety of site users. If necessary, hire a flagman.
  • Inform municipal authorities of the work schedule.
  • Educate workers, especially truck drivers, on the problem of noise emissions towards residences (for example, prohibit the use of the Jacob brake on the site and on neighboring streets and prohibit leaving vehicles with the engine idling when not in use).
  • If necessary, use reversing alarms with variable intensity (automatic adjustment according to the level of ambient noise) on site equipment likely to back up frequently.
  • Clean CSA site paths and public paths so that they are free of mud, dirt, dust or other nuisances.
  • Ensure adequate maintenance of drainage and water retention structures to ensure their proper functioning.
  • Ensure proper maintenance of the waste snow management area and the settling pond to ensure cleanliness (debris collection, etc.) and proper operation.

Document reference number: 3

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