October 6, 2021 – Indigenous Services Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada have determined that the proposed Couchiching First Nation Building Demolition, Vegetation Removal and Access Road Construction Project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • There will be positive impacts on the rights of Indigenous peoples, associated with the clearing of vegetation and the demolition/removal of old unused structures.
  • The future use of the land will have positive socioeconomic benefits on the Couchiching First Nation community through the development of business ventures and job creation, greenspace, and/or community facilities.
  • During construction activities mitigation measures to ensure the protection of the environment, and safety of members of the community will be implemented.  Mitigation measures proposed for the project have been prepared,  and have reviewed by Indigenous Services Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada. 


Implementation of mitigation measures is required for the project to address or prevent potential impacts to:

  • Human health;
  • Air quality and noise;
  • Greenhouse gas Emissions
  • Vegetation;
  • Wildlife and habitat, including Species at Risk and Migratory Birds (timing restrictions employed);
  • Surface Water Quality (sedimentation and erosion control); and
  • Wetlands;
  • For the disturbance/loss of Little Brown Myotis habitat Environment and Climate Change Canada will issue a Species at Risk Act permit. This permit will outline mitigation and compensation measures required to ensure that survival and recovery of the species is not jeopardized.


Mitigation and monitoring measures taken into account for this determination included active and adaptive management measures that will be implemented for the protection of local environmental.  Based on the consideration of these measures, Indigenous Services Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada are satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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