Notice of intent to make a determination
Cote First Nation Wood Treatment Remediation Project- Public Comments Invited

April 19, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Cote First Nation Wood Treatment Remediation Project, located on Cote IR 64 is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by May 18, 2021 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
SK Region, Environment Unit
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 2S9

 The Proposed Project

Cote First Nation operated a historical fencepost treatment facility through the 1980s that has resulted in some metals impacts primarily in the soils at a property located within the Badgerville town boundaries (09-35-30-32-W1).  Various surface soil samples were collected as well and test holes were drilled for the purpose of soil sample collection.  Groundwater monitoring wells were installed and groundwater samples have been collected and analyzed.  The soil samples confirmed exceedances of arsenic, copper and chromium.  The site historically was capped with asphalt over a portion of it which was being utilized as a basketball court. As described above, surface, subsurface soils and groundwater have been assessed and metals impacts have been identified in the soils.  The project will result in the excavation of impacted materials and backfill with clean source material.  Construction (excavation) will be planned for summer 2021. There is authorization in place at a Class II Landfill to dispose of soils.

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