Public Notice

Valentine Gold Project — Public Comments Invited

What is happening?

November 3, 2020 — The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Valentine Gold Project, located at Valentine Lake, approximately 55 kilometres southwest of Millertown in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The Agency recognizes that it is more challenging to undertake meaningful public engagement and Indigenous consultation in light of the circumstances arising from COVID-19. The Agency continues to assess the situation with key stakeholders, make adjustments to consultation activities, and is providing flexibility as needed in order to prioritize the health and safety of all Canadians, while maintaining its duty to conduct meaningful engagement with interested groups.

How can I participate?

Comments can be submitted online during the 50-day consultation period by visiting the project home page on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (reference number 80169). All comments received will be published online as part of the project file.

Written comments in either official language will be accepted until December 23, 2020.

To view the summary of the Environmental Impact Statement or for more information, visit the Agency's website at Printed copies are available upon request. More information on the project, the review process and alternative means of submitting comments is also available on the Agency's website.

Virtual Meeting

The Agency also invites the public to attend a virtual meeting on the project which will be held on November 26, 2020 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. NST (11:30 to 1:30 p.m. AST). The Agency will be sharing information on the progress of the environmental assessment process and next steps. The proponent will provide a presentation on the summary of the EIS including project effects, proposed mitigation measures and conclusions. Representatives from expert federal departments will also be available to answer questions from participants.

Interested participants are asked to please register by email at by November 24, 2020.

Will there be more opportunities to participate?

This is the third of four opportunities for the public to comment on the environmental assessment of the project.

Stay updated by following the Agency on Twitter: @IAAC_AEIC #ValentineGold

What is the proposed project?

Marathon Gold Corporation is proposing the construction, operation, decommissioning, and reclamation of an open-pit gold mine located at Valentine Lake, approximately 55 kilometres southwest of Millertown in Newfoundland and Labrador. As proposed, the Valentine Gold Project would includetwo open pits, disposal piles, crushing and stockpiling areas, site infrastructure, a tailings management facility, and mine site haul and access roads. Production capacity is estimated at 18,000 tonnes per day of high- and low-grade ore, with an operation life of 12 years.

For more information on the Agency's privacy policies, consult the Privacy Notice on its website at

Document reference number: 16

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