Notice determination

May 28, 2020  – Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed North Caribou Lake First Nation School is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • There will be positive impacts on the rights of Indigenous peoples, associated with the construction of a new school that will provide a safe learning environment for children in North Caribou Lake;
  • During construction activities mitigation measures to ensure the protection of the environment, an safety of members of the community will be implemented.  Mitigation measures proposed for the project have been prepared and reviewed by ISC.


Implementation of mitigation measures is required for the project to address:

  • Surface and Groundwater
    • Fuel/Chemical spills and storage – fueling will take place in designated areas and at least 100 m from any surface water bodies
    • Site Drainage – all natural drainage will be maintained.  Ditch excavations will be filled, compacted and revegetated.
    • Erosion and Sedimentation – during construction, polymer woven geotextile silt fences will be used to minimize erosion and sedimentation.
    • Excavation and dewatering – should groundwater be encountered or dewatering due to rain events be required, any sediment laden discharge water will be pumped either to a stilling basin or through dense terrestrial (not riparian) vegetation. 
  • Land/Soil
    • Fuel Chemical Spills – all fueling of equipment will take place in a designated area.  All spills will be reported to appropriate authorities and cleaned up in accordance with applicable codes and regulations.  All spills will be reported to the Ontario Spills Action Centre, the Project Manager and ISC.
    • Contaminated Soil – any contaminated fill or soil that is discovered will be treated in a manner in accordance with the applicable codes and regulations.  Contaminated soil will be disposed of at a provincially approved land farm or landfill location/or a location approved by ISC.
    • Buffer Zone and Existing Road Network – the existing road/rights of ways will be utilized to the greatest extent possible to maximize the use of existing buffer zones.
    • Waste disposal – all hazardous waste and fuel contaminated waste will be dealt with as required by applicable codes and regulations.  All non-hazardous waste will be disposed of in an approved landfill location.  Dangerous goods/hazardous waste will be identified and handled in accordance with The Dangerous Goods Transportation Act and Regulations and Health Canada's WHMIS.
    • Site Restoration – Following the utilities installation, servicing, ditching and site development, any disturbed areas will be graded and appropriately vegetated.
  • Atmosphere/air/noise
    • Dust – Dust created by construction will be temporary and will be controlled with watering if needed.
    • Noise – The speed of the construction equipment will be kept to within allowable speed limits in the community.  All equipment will be properly mufflered.  Construction will be restricted to hours designated by Council.
  • Wildlife
    • Loss of habitat – all efforts will be taken to prevent any disruption to the well-being of wildlife during construction.  Clearing and grubbing will be completed outside the breeding bird nesting window.  Contractor's personnel will not be allowed to harass or hunt game/wildlife.
  • Vegetation
    • Re-vegetation and weed management – to minimize the spread of weed and invasive species during and after construction, equipment will be thoroughly washed and inspected prior to working in a new site.  Planting weed-free grass/herbaceous seed for re-vegetation in disturbed areas.
  • Socio-economic
    • Equipment – Equipment that is owned by members of the First nation may be utilized for construction.
    • Should any cultural or archaeological items be discovered during any work on-site, work will be stopped and Chief and Council and Project Manager will be notified.
    • The overall impact of the new school is anticipated to be positive as the new school will be safer, improve the learning environment/facilities available and will offer additional recreational opportunities for students, staff and the community.
  • Cumulative Effects
    • Cumulative effects are anticipated to be minor through the implementation of appropriate measures as outlined above, but are likely to include minor loss of habitat during clearing of surrounding vegetation for the new school grounds to the north and east.  Upon project completion it is anticipated a positive overall effect for the community with improved learning and recreational facilities available.



Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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