Notice of intent to make a determination

Waskonaman Hill Gravel Project – Public Comments Invited

April 28, 2020 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Waskonaman Hill Gravel Project located on Frog Lake First Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by May 29, 2020 to:

Stacey LeBlanc
630 Canada Place
9700 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB
T5J 4G2

The Proposed Project

Waskonaman Askih Construction GP LTD. is proposing to amend the original project submission for the gravel pit to include additional areas. Aggregate was identified over a 15 ha area, the proponnt is proposing to amend their 3 ha pit to a 15 ha pit, including a 1.5 ha laydown area. The proposed project would consist of 5 Phases (3 ha in size). Each phase will extract approximately 100,000 m3 of aggregate, for a total of ~500,000 m3. Based on Alberta Transportation criteria (1 m3 = 1.632 tonnes), the project will mine ~816,000 tonnes of aggregate throughout the life of the project. Previous project details (i.e., laydown area, equipment used) remain the same. Each phase will be mined for an approximate 2-year period, and progressively reclaimed. In total, the project is anticipated to be mined and reclaimed within a 10-15 year time frame.

Document reference number: 3

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