Notice of intent to make a determination


Cowessess 10MW Solar Project – s. 53 lease - Cowessess First Nation - Public Comments Invited

October 17, 2019 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Solar project, located on Cowessess IR #73, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.


Written comments must be submitted by November 15, 2019 to:


Indigenous Services Canada

1827 Albert St

Regina, SK S4P 2S9


The proposed Project


The Cowessess First Nation is proposing to construct a solar array of approximately 10 MW. The site is approximately 5 km SE of the City of Regina, SK on the Cowessess IR #73. The project will be comprised of approximately 35, 000 solar panels on single axis tracking racks, connected to an existing lithium-ion battery storage system. Existing infrastructure included permanent access roads, wind turbine, battery storage area, foundation pads, substation civil works, fencing and a 25 kV underground electrical system. The project will be conncected directly to the SaskPower transmission grid via a 25 kV connection to the distribution line. The solar panels will be 400W bifacial panels mounted on racking capable of tracking the sun horizontally. The project will be operated and maintained under joint venture of the Cowessess First Nation and Elemental Energy.

Document reference number: 1

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