Environmental Impact Statement

  • Environmental Impact Statement (PDF - 24.9 MB)
    • 1.0 Introduction
    • 2.0 Project Description
    • 3.0 Public Consultation and Engagement Program
    • 4.0 Indigenous Peoples Consultation and Engagement Program
    • 5.0 Environmental Effects Assessment Methodology
    • 6.0 Environmental Effects Assessment
    • 7.0 Effects of the Environment on the Project
    • 8.0 Cumulative Effects Assessment
    • 9.0 Summary of Compliance and Effects Monitoring Programs
    • 10.0 Environmental Impact Statement Summary and Conclusions
    • 11.0 References
  • Appendices (PDF - 48.8 MB)
    • Appendix A Community Liaison Committee draft Terms of Reference
    • Appendix B Summary of Stakeholder and Mi'kmaq Engagement
    • Appendix C Sediment Baseline Analytical Results
    • Appendix D Surface Water Baseline Analytical Results
    • Appendix E Hydrogeological Reports
    • Appendix F Wetland Functional Assessment Summary Table
    • Appendix G Wetland Characterization Table
    • Appendix H Photographic Log of Watercourses and Fish Habitat
    • Appendix I Priority Species List
    • Appendix J Documented Priority Species (ACCDC and NS Communities, Culture, & Heritage)
    • Appendix K Master Plant List
    • Appendix L Maritime Breeding Bird Atlas Data Summaries
    • Appendix M Relative Abundance of Avian Species
    • Appendix N Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study
    • Appendix O Archaeological Reconnaissance Reports and Nova Scotia Communities, Culture & Heritage Communications

Document reference number: 18

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