Public Notice
Milton Logistics Hub Project — Review Panel Invites Public Comment on the Latest Information Request Responses

August 24, 2018 — The Review Panel for the proposed Milton Logistics Hub Project is seeking public comments on additional responses received to the Panel's information requests. The responses were prepared by the proponent, the Canadian National Railway Company (CN).

The Review Panel invites the public, Indigenous groups, governments and other participants to submit comments in writing on whether the information submitted by the proponent is sufficient to proceed to the public hearing, or whether the proponent should provide additional information.

Participants are encouraged to review additional information as it becomes available and provide their comments to the Review Panel as soon as possible. Upon receipt of CN's final response to the second round of information requests, the Review Panel will provide at least 14 days' notice for participants to submit any final comments.

Participants are reminded to follow the Review Panel's submission procedure (CEAR #523). All submissions received will be posted online. The Review Panel will consider all submissions in making its determination on whether further information is required from the proponent. Written submissions in either official language should be sent to:

Joseph Ronzio,
Panel Manager, Milton Logistics Hub Project
c/o Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor, Ottawa ON K1A 0H3

The Review Panel recognizes that the proponent and other participants may communicate about technical matters outside of the Review Panel process. If participants or the proponent wish the Review Panel to consider the outcomes of these interactions, they must submit this information for posting on the public registry.

The Proposed Project

The Canadian National Railway Company is proposing the construction and operation of a logistics hub, designed to transfer containers between trucks and railcars. The project would be located in Milton, Ontario on 400-acres of CN-owned land, and would include a railway yard with more than 20 km of track.

Document reference number: 682

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