Public Notice
Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive
Waste (DGR) Project
Additional Federal Funding Allocated to Assist Participation
at Public Hearing

August 18, 2014 — The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has allocated $27,538.80 to 12 applicants to assist their participation at the additional public hearing days for the proposed Deep Geologic Repository Project for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste.

Applicant Allocation
Historic Saugeen Métis $4,750
Frank Greening $1,521
ZeroWaste4ZeroBurning $1,000
Ontario Clean Air Alliance $2,000
Northwatch Coalition for Environmental Protection $4,000
United Church of Canada (The Maritime Conference of the) $2,549
The Inverhuron Committee $1,000
Canadian Environmental Law Association $3,772.80
Power Workers' Union $4,000
Dr. Sandy Greer $1,101
Save Our Saugeen Shores, INC $1,000
Algonquin Eco Watch $845
Total $27,538.80

This additional funding was made available through the Participant Funding Program administered by the Agency. Allocated funding will assist the participation of registered participants making an oral presentation at the upcoming public hearing, which is being held by the Joint Review Panel in Kincardine, Ontario starting September 9, 2014.

A funding review committee, independent of the panel review process, was established to assess the requests for funding.

For more information on the Participant Funding Program, the federal environmental assessment process and the project, please visit the Agency's website, reference number 17520.

The Proposed Project

Ontario Power Generation proposes to prepare a site, and construct and operate a facility for the long-term management of low and intermediate level radioactive waste at the Bruce Nuclear site, within the Municipality of Kincardine.

Document reference number: 1991

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